Why Is It Forbidden to Pronounce the Name of the Creator?

294.3In the News (ati): “Interesting Words From Other Languages We Wish Existed In English” “Mamihlapinatapei, Yagan (language of Tierra del Fuego)

“This word is mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most succinct word, and is also considered the hardest word to translate. Roughly, it means ‘the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.'”

Question: What is the depth of the word?

Answer: The word is the universe, the word is everything. “In the beginning was the Word.” In general, this word is “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey.

This is the four-letter name of the Creator that explains the four steps through which the upper emanation descends on His creation. And everything else comes from this word.

Question: If you say that everything else comes out from it, then is this word in every word, in every action, in general, in everything?

Answer: In everything! “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey” includes absolutely everything.

Question: What is this magic? What kind of secret is it? What are these four letters that are in everything, in absolutely everything?

Answer: This is the name of the Creator. That is, it includes the four stages of the expansion of the light from the Creator Himself to all creations.

Question: Does the light exist practically, in every word, in every action, and in everything?

Answer: Yes. And this word, the name of the Creator,  includes all the words, practically everything, and everything that happens.

Question: These are four letters. What does the first letter “Yod” – “י” mean?

Answer: Yod” is the source of the light. “Hey” – “ה”is the expansion of the light. “Vav” – “ו” is its descent downward. And the last “”Hey” – “ה” is the clothing of the light in the lower ones that already exist.

Question: It is said that it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the Creator. What is meant by this?

Answer: In principle, you cannot pronounce it in any way. No matter how hard you try. This is because they are letters. And the word itself is not a word. It is just a code. “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey” is a code.

Question: And when it is said that it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the Creator?

Answer: It means that it is forbidden to try to name His action. Because, in principle, it is hidden from a person. So do not try to do it. Forbidden means impossible.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/23/23

Related Material:
“May My Name Be Upon You”
The Creator’s Name Is Four Letters
The Secret Of The Creator’s Name

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