Study the Plan of Nature

60.01Nature has its own plan of development. But have we developed according to our plans until today? All of the plans that we build are collapsing. What plans does nature have? Let us get to know them, attain them, and have a look at them. It is always worth knowing at least the thing we exist in.

We cannot do anything with the surrounding nature, we are part of it. Even when we think we want something, it is also from this very nature. We cannot exit it, and I cannot exit out of myself. No matter how hard I try, I am still inside of my nature.

So what is this internal program according to which I change all the time? I need to understand this; otherwise, this program pushes me to who knows what. If I get to know it, it is quite possible that in accordance with it I will develop comfortably and in a good way. I will feel good, and everyone will feel good. It is time for humanity to stop being so clueless.

The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about this. Therefore, it is now being revealed and calling us, first of all, to study nature, not how to subordinate it to ourselves, but how to subordinate ourselves to it.

There is nothing complicated about it. There are only two forces in nature—the force of reception and the force of bestowal. The force of bestowal is the upper force that created us and animates everything. The force of reception is the force of all created beings, and in a human it is the biggest of all. Humans use it absolutely unreasonably and use all of nature and everyone around them to their own detriment.

It means that we need to learn from nature how to optimally use both forces given to us. If we see how it does it, we will be fine. Call nature the Creator, call it nature; it does not matter. That is, Kabbalah is the most natural, integral, and global wisdom about nature.

Comment: But it is described in a very difficult way. Not everyone will be able to understand it.

My Response: I do not think physics and other sciences describe everything much easier. On the contrary, Kabbalah is a simple wisdom because it describes everything in feelings that are understandable to everyone. When you begin to operate with what Kabbalah says, then you experience these actions on yourself. They become the closest to you, the most real and most tangible, since they are just inside you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Illusion of the World” 2/1/11

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