Imitating a Kabbalist

165Comment: When one of the students quotes you, it sounds ridiculous because it is obvious that the person is not at that level. But when you speak, it is completely different.

My Response: It is because there is inner attainment and energy in my words since I am talking about what I feel at the moment and bring it down to the level of the person I am talking to and I pass it to him.

Question: When a person quotes you, but he is not at that level, does it give him something?

Answer: Of course. By constantly repeating me, he somehow adjoins me, and I, in turn, to the upper one. In this way, he connects to the spiritual ladder from the world of infinity and up to it like a small child who tries to become like an older one and thus grows. Contradictions, however, will not give a person any growth.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Imitating Laitman” 2/22/11

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