The Role of the Creator

610.2Question: Everything in the universe has a certain role. What is the role of the force called the Creator?

Answer: The role of the Creator is unequivocal; it is to constantly educate the creation created by Him so that it comes to perfection.

The upper force is everything. It includes the force of desire, will, knowledge, and decision. Everything that exists in nature at all is just the single upper force.

The desire to enjoy is created within it. This single, great force of the field works on the point of the desire that develops under its influence and becomes equal to the force of the field. The desire as if swells to the size of the field, then bursts, collapses into many parts, and then begins to work on itself in order to gather together.

Gradually, it gathers into that single new whole that fits into the same field. The Creator and the creation like two flatbreads stick together and penetrate each other by diffusion.

Although they are different in their original nature, they have come to a state where they are absolutely similar to each other in the quality that now comes from them—the quality of bestowal and love. For the Creator it is primary, for the creation it is secondary, acquired.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is the Creator?” 2/21/11

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The Creator Is The Upper Quality Of Nature
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The Creator Is The General, Integral Force

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