The Birth of the next Degree

963.1Question: How can you explain the birth of the next degree?

Answer: The birth of the next degree is a continuation of the relationship between the male and female parts on the next level. Moreover, this level is usually higher.

A child is born from a man and a woman. But his basis is the next state.

The spiritual man and woman or a man and woman in our world are just the external reason that a child is born. Suppose a child is to be born, so a couple appears who have a craving for each other, they unite and conceive him because a certain number of souls in their bodily expression must be born in our world.

They themselves do not know why they suddenly start flirting with each other, start some kind of relationship. A desire is aroused in them when it is necessary to give birth to someone from within, from nature itself. Are we doing something on our own? Although it seems to us that these are our personal desires, they in fact come from the need to develop a common system.

We are inside this field like peas. What needs to be realized is aroused in us, and we involuntarily realize it, and we can realize not involuntarily, but based on our attainment. Kabbalah leads to this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Man and a Woman?” 2/21/11

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