Complete Faith in the Creator

765.1“The whole earth is full of the glory of the Creator” is the very first, obligatory, and unchangeable law, which says that the Creator fills the whole world, moves and controls everything. Only one force operates in all of reality, and there is nothing else besides it.

We need to take this statement as an axiom and as a primary law that is revealed to us gradually, step by step. As we establish connection with spiritual nature, we reveal this truth that the earth is full of His glory.

From the very beginning we need to attune ourselves to the fact that we are striving to reveal this law. All the events of our life have only one cause; everything that happens to us at every second is arranged by the Creator, and there is none else besides Him.

It is said that “the earth is full of His glory,” because earth (Eretz) means desire (Ratzon). The Creator creates this desire and renews it day by day, every moment. Therefore we see nothing but the actions of the Creator.

If we have thoughts that someone else is doing something other than the Creator, then this is wrong. He alone has done, is doing, and will do all the actions that occur in our lives. Therefore, this condition, this law, this principle, must enter into our lives in all possible situations so that we do not see or feel anything except the Creator.

All our desires are full of the presence of the Creator in all possible forms, and in essence, we feel only Him. There is no one else who can fulfill our desires. We cannot even doubt for a second that we have received something not from the Creator because this simply cannot be.

We are inside the Creator and we reveal only Him. There is none else; only one Creator Himself fills the whole world. When we discover this fully, it is called the complete faith of a person in his Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah 5/14/23, “The whole earth is full of His glory”

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