How To Walk on Dry Land Between the Raging Waves of Life

508.2The main work of a person is only to be rewarded with feeling the Creator, that is, to feel that He exists and fills the entire reality. There is none else besides Him; there is only the Creator, and we are inside Him. The whole purpose of our studies and our entire life is to come to the feeling that we exist inside the Creator and we do not need anything else.

Eventually everyone will come to this; the difference is only in the number of cycles of life that will be required for this. But in the end, everyone will reach the purpose of creation and the purpose of their life. That is, they will discover that there is only one upper force, and we live only to reveal it.

Faith in the Creator means to feel Him. To believe is to feel. It is not like in our world where I can believe in what I do not see and do not feel in any way. In spiritual reality, believing is equivalent to feeling, revealing, and seeing.

We need nothing apart from this, and only toward this purpose are we directed throughout our lives. It seems to us that at every step something confuses us and distracts us from it. But this is done on purpose to give us the right direction to reveal the Creator from all this shattered creation.

That is why we circle and wander and encounter shattering after shattering, until we reach a state in which the Creator will finally be revealed. The Creator confuses a person, and He also leads a person out of the confusion and leads one through all these states, as if on dry land between the raging waves of the parted sea.

This is how we grow until we begin to understand and feel this system within which the Creator is concealed. Then we will see that it is precisely due to all the states we have passed through that we eventually managed to reveal the Creator and adhere to Him.

Thus, the Creator teaches us in the same way as we buy toys for our children each according to his age so that the child can play and develop, improve, strengthen their health, and gain experience that helps in life. That is how the Creator develops us.

That is why we go through so many circles of life. Despite the fact that we do not really understand what is happening to us in them, all human lives are a sequence of actions of the Creator who guides us through all these states so that we understand, feel, learn and are ready to perceive life correctly, that is, to reveal the Creator in full.

If a person wants to move toward the Creator, he needs a group of friends, ten people who aim for the same goal. He must stick to the ten and all the time check himself how he can integrate with the ten even more and help his friends so that everyone adheres to each other.

A person should make efforts not to forget that all the disturbances are given to us only in order to tie us even more to the process that we have to go through, that is, to reveal the Creator from each confused state.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/28/23, “The Whole Earth Is Full of His Glory”

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