The Inevitability of the Recognition of Evil

504Question: Do Jews understand why there is pressure on them from all sides?

Answer: They understand perfectly, but what can you do? This is the law of nature, the forces of nature, which direct the uncorrected people in this way to hate those in whom there is a spiritual germ, the source of the upper soul.

We cannot agree with that, we hate ourselves. We, Jews, do not like ourselves for this because we are uncorrected.

Comment: But in fact, the Jews themselves do not know this.

My Response: What difference does it make if they know or not? This is the law of nature; this is how natural forces work. Anti-Semites do not know why they do not like Jews, they invent all sorts of excuses, and Jews do not know why they hate them, and they also invent all sorts of reasons. It comes from two upper opposing forces, just like everything in our world.

In the corporeal world, the representative of spiritual forces is a Jew. In order to make myself a representative of the spiritual forces instead of him, I must destroy him, not destroy completely, but to leave him as an example: “Look at the state he is in, it means I am right, I won, I am higher.”

Question: Will the Jews ever understand their destiny? Or will they realize it only when they are slaughtered?

Answer: No, this cannot happen. They will realize their mission, demonstrate it, and offer it to the whole world. Then, to the extent that everyone participated in the beating of this tribe, he will have to overcome this whole process within himself, because the recognition of evil must pass through all the Kelim (Vessels), through all the phases of egoism in the opposite direction.

The great tragedy of humanity is that for many millennia they have shown their hatred of the Jews for being representatives of God on Earth.

Now we need to roll this in reverse in all nations to the same extent that they resisted, destroyed, and burned Jews. They will have to experience all this for themselves in order to be corrected. I do not know in what form it will be, morally, spiritually, or even physically, but it is not at all easier. After all, we do not go through anything directly from end to end. We have to go through the recognition of evil.

It is said in The Book of Zohar that my inner non-Jew (Goy) strikes at my Jew inside, that is, my egoism strikes at the quality of bestowal and love. Therefore, everyone will have to accept this and go through this as the recognition of their own evil in great internal suffering, and only after that begin their correction. This is the law of nature, there is nothing we can do. So, all this is still ahead.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Teacher” 1/23/11

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