Entries in the 'Love' Category

Measure in the Torah

610.1Question: What is the measure in the Torah, and how do we renew it?

Answer: Everyone should constantly strive to ascend higher and higher on spiritual degrees with the help of the Torah, and then you will have constant renewal.

So the measure is the part a person attains in their spiritual work. And each time, they should strive for even more.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/31/24, Writings of Rabash “Inheritance of the Land”

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From a Clean Slate

251Question: At the beginning of the lesson, you said: From this moment on, we start from a clean slate. How can we start everything anew?

Answer: Do not worry about it. A new degree will come, new light will come, and all the past will fade away and be replaced by something new.

Question: Should we pray and ask for this?

Answer: No, just try to be more sensitive to what you receive.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Anyone Who Pleases the Spirit of the People”

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What Kind of Connection Does the Creator Require of Us?

943Question: Today, the same dramatic events are taking place in the world as in the time of Mordecai. What kind of connection does the Creator require from us now as a group?

Answer: Absolutely the same unity as then. We must unite in such a way as to show all humanity how to achieve this unity and what it gives to each of the people in this world and in the next world.

By trying to achieve unity, we will invite the influence of the upper light upon us. Then, under its effect, we will gain such strength that will help us drive away our enemies so that they do not dare to approach us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 3/31/24

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Fear for the sake of Bestowal

255Exactly in the same way that the body is impressed, so should be the fear of heaven (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 138, “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”).

Question: What is “before heaven”? What is this place?

Answer: Before the Creator.

Question: But everyone has their own Creator. And how does this happen through working in the ten? After all, there is a fear of losing connection with your friends or not giving them enough.

Answer: Right! You should slowly remove these fears and instead try to feel love, affection, and a sense of intimacy.

Question: And if you feel that you have a fear of the Creator, but not for the ten and only for yourself so as not to receive blows, how can this fear be transferred into the fear for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: Just ask, and you will see how much you advance toward it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”

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Sacrifice Everything that Prevents Connection with the Creator

938.07Question: Egoism is growing, and it is acutely felt. It seems that we do not see an opportunity to gain a foothold over it, but on the contrary, everyone is looking for a convenient place to hide from it.

How can we convey to the ten that we do not need comfort, but effort against egoism? It is getting very hard for us.

Answer: It becomes difficult for you because you are not working on connection with each other. But as soon as you reach it, you will immediately feel that your connection can only be based on the fact that everyone sacrifices everything that prevents your unity with your friends and with the Creator.

At the same time, you do not have to feel a lot of despair. Self-sacrifice can be joyful, because you are ready to annul those qualities that do not allow you to reach the Creator.

Moreover, by performing this action, you receive the energy of the light of Hassadim, which gives you strength.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labor”

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The Path to Bestowal through a Play

938.02Question: How can we come to a state where Malchut rises to Bina or Bina affects our common Malchut by playing at connection among ourselves in the ten?

Answer: It depends on how much we play at it because the game ends when the upper light affects us; when it shines on us, we begin to gather together into one spiritual Kli.

This happens gradually. Do you want it to happen faster? Perform your actions more intensely; get closer to each other, and try to work together in one desire collected from your private desires so that you feel it all inside yourself.

The intensity of the action depends on the great internal effort of each friend.

Everyone must constantly imagine that they are a part of the other. That is why these efforts are called rapprochement.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]”

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/26/24

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At the Moment of Impact

531.03Question: When something happens and you internally feel blows from the general system, could anything be changed in advance? And if you could not change it in advance, what could you add at the moment of impact?

Answer: At the moment of impact, nothing can be done. At that moment, it is only possible to be aware and hide because when a blow occurs, a negative force opens up in the system. The reverse side of it is bestowal. All that remains is to be aware of this as much as possible.

Any force consists of feeling and reason multiplied by each other. Feelings multiplied by reason equal the power of this force. If I engage my reason, then I should sense much less in my feeling. A small “ouch” is enough for my mind to turn it into a huge “ouch.”  And then I will not see massive destruction: “Got it! Enough. Thanks. No need. I am ready to improve. That’s it, I will be different.”

Nature forcefully teaches people. After all, we are just small sensory elements. Because a human is a desire, the most important thing in him is sensation. Sensations can be increased or decreased with the help of the recognition of evil.

Therefore, all of Kabbalah only gives us the opportunity to increase the recognition of evil so that we perceive a small evil as a big one, and immediately, like a smart child, react correctly and move forward.

Each time we increase our sensitivity in this way, again and again advance, and gradually reduce the correcting forces that affect us negatively.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to do in the Moment of a Disaster?“ 1/2/12

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Increase the Desire to Bestow

562.02Question: What does it mean: “everyone who adds, worsens”? What can we worsen in spiritual work?

Answer: If the desire to receive increases, this worsens the state. We should only think about how to increase the desire to bestow.

To exit work within reason, we need to rise above it in faith above reason and let the desire to receive remain in the same place.

You are obliged to ask the Creator for the force of bestowing. To the extent that you begin to acquire it from Him, you are able to start using it.

Question: In our understanding, can we come to a clear sensation of the spiritual root of our achievements?

Answer: Of course we can. It depends only on us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/30/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Does It Mean that the Sitra Achra Is Called ‘Malchut without a Crown’?”

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The Power of the Intention to Bestow
Understanding The Importance Of Bestowal
Turn Your Face To The Wall—Discover Bestowal Really Exists