Fear for the sake of Bestowal

255Exactly in the same way that the body is impressed, so should be the fear of heaven (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 138, “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”).

Question: What is “before heaven”? What is this place?

Answer: Before the Creator.

Question: But everyone has their own Creator. And how does this happen through working in the ten? After all, there is a fear of losing connection with your friends or not giving them enough.

Answer: Right! You should slowly remove these fears and instead try to feel love, affection, and a sense of intimacy.

Question: And if you feel that you have a fear of the Creator, but not for the ten and only for yourself so as not to receive blows, how can this fear be transferred into the fear for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: Just ask, and you will see how much you advance toward it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”

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