Questions about Working with the Torah

231.01Question: We teach that the Torah fills the heart with gladness. Is joy on the path the protection that the Torah provides?

Answer: Yes, the Torah gives joy in the heart, and this protects a person.

Question: At what stage of the spiritual path does the Torah begin to protect a person?

Answer: The Torah always protects a person.

Question: It is said that it is difficult to observe the Torah. Why does this heaviness arise?

Answer: Because we are not created to fulfill the Torah without effort.

Question: How can we experience the influence of the Torah on the ten and not enjoy it?

Answer: If we begin to perceive the Creator’s influence only as prompting us to the next spiritual action, we will not receive it for our own sake.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways – 2”

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