Correct the Point of Connection with the Creator

962.3Question: How do we reach a state when our soul begins to teach us?

Answer: In principle we should already begin to determine this. A person needs to understand that everything he receives comes from the Creator is aimed only at his development, and he needs to figure out how to react to the revealed circumstances.

If you correct your soul, i.e., the point of connection with the Creator, then it will lead you forward, as it is said, a person’s soul will teach him.

Question: It is just that the moments of connection with the soul are short-lived, and this world captures all your attention. How can we make it so that the point of connection with the Creator would subjugate us?

Answer: You must divide yourself into two parts. Follow the instructions of the Torah in the one part and work with the outside world in the other.

Question: But the outside world does not feel these instructions. Why then should we divide ourselves into two parts?

Answer: The point is not that the outside world does not feel but that it is about your fulfillment of the Torah and Mitzvot. And they must be fulfilled.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways – 2”

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