Increase the Desire to Bestow

562.02Question: What does it mean: “everyone who adds, worsens”? What can we worsen in spiritual work?

Answer: If the desire to receive increases, this worsens the state. We should only think about how to increase the desire to bestow.

To exit work within reason, we need to rise above it in faith above reason and let the desire to receive remain in the same place.

You are obliged to ask the Creator for the force of bestowing. To the extent that you begin to acquire it from Him, you are able to start using it.

Question: In our understanding, can we come to a clear sensation of the spiritual root of our achievements?

Answer: Of course we can. It depends only on us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/30/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Does It Mean that the Sitra Achra Is Called ‘Malchut without a Crown’?”

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