Sacrifice Everything that Prevents Connection with the Creator

938.07Question: Egoism is growing, and it is acutely felt. It seems that we do not see an opportunity to gain a foothold over it, but on the contrary, everyone is looking for a convenient place to hide from it.

How can we convey to the ten that we do not need comfort, but effort against egoism? It is getting very hard for us.

Answer: It becomes difficult for you because you are not working on connection with each other. But as soon as you reach it, you will immediately feel that your connection can only be based on the fact that everyone sacrifices everything that prevents your unity with your friends and with the Creator.

At the same time, you do not have to feel a lot of despair. Self-sacrifice can be joyful, because you are ready to annul those qualities that do not allow you to reach the Creator.

Moreover, by performing this action, you receive the energy of the light of Hassadim, which gives you strength.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labor”

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