Entries in the 'Man and Woman' Category

Men Need Support

115Question: You say that it is harmful when a person is praised a lot. How can one find the right measure?

Answer: It depends on how one praises and for what.

I would like to be praised by everyone because this is an advertisement. Then everyone would listen to what I say.

But I don’t even need to know about the good reviews. It is necessary for others. And for me personally it is better when I get criticized a little.

Question: Is it good in the family when a wife praises her husband and raises him in his eyes?

Answer: Yes. This gives him great strength. He, like a small child, immediately feels as if on a high horse.

Question: Does it harm him?

Answer: It depends on what kind of person he is and how he perceives any actions: one is productive, the other is not. One may become proud, and the second, on the contrary, will try to justify the trust.

Question: Do you care what people say about you?

Answer: I wouldn’t say I don’t care. This is how I control myself and feel where I am, how I react to it, and so on. It’s still interesting.

A wife can support her husband by giving him a lot of help, either directly or inversely. As it is said: “Help against you.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Protection From the Evil Eye” 7/9/11

Related Material:
Point of Connection Between Husband and Wife
A Spiritual Family
Husband And Wife: Where Is The Creator Between Them?

A Common Path

286Question: How can couples generate constant flirting?

Answer: There is an entire science called the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is the science of how to get pleasure from the same source and at the same time make sure that it is constantly renewed. It is the science of desire that we are trying to master.

Question: There are some couples who understand that they cannot be together, but still do not break up the family. What keeps them together?

Answer: I think that if people do not physically feel any dislike or repulsion for each other, then everything else is fixable, but you cannot physically cope with your rejection.

Physically means at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate level. We hardly change there. This is how one animal sniffs another animal and determines by the smell whether it is its partner or not. People find a partner in the same way. Does smell not matter to us? It does matter very much. And so does everything else.

But if everything depends on the fact that once a couple loved each other, everything was fine and now it is not, then this is fixable. This is all psychology; you need to work on yourself correctly.

In addition, it is necessary to consider whether one interferes with the other. Today there are many couples who continue to love each other, and at the same time each of them has something on the side.

That is, the physical side today is so disconnected from the internal that it can be like that.

Comment: But Rabash, in principle, said that it does not matter what kind of wife you have.

My Response: “It does not matter what kind of wife” means that she does not physically repel you, but in everything else, you must find some common path.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Eternal Love” 7/27/11

Related Material:
What To Do If Love Is Gone?
Bygone Love
On The Way To Attaining Love

When Desire Fades…

962.6Question: Why when a man and a woman connect, first the so-called spark of love flares up between them, and then gradually fades and turns into cooling or even hatred?

Answer: This is a natural process, just like any other. It is like I sit down to eat and eventually I get full, and if I continue, then I will have repulsion.

Similarly, there is a period of feeling hungry, satiation, filling, and enjoying it. And then, when hunger disappears, the person is satisfied, as after eating, and therefore needs to stimulate the desire again. Now the desire for this object or for some other requires renewal.

If people are properly attuned to each other and are able to find the process of renewing desires, aspirations for each other, flirting, then they can live together all their lives, be devoted to each other, and find great satisfaction in each other.

There are people who are not originally created to be satisfied with each other. Rabash also said that when you meet a girl as a future spouse, you just have to see if she isn’t physically repelling you. That’s all. And then whatever you decide.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Eternal Love” 7/9/11

Related Material:
Love Is A Beast
What To Do If Love Is Gone?
Bygone Love

Long Life Variations

627.1Question: Is there such a concept as lovers in the spiritual world? For some reason, many married people, especially now, in addition to the family, have a lover or mistress.

Answer: Nowadays, due to the growth of egoism, a person lives quite a long time. Previously, people lived 30 to 40 years. And even earlier, people died at the age of 20 to 25. Then the life span gradually increased to 30 to 40, 40 to 50, and 50 to 60 years. Today people live to be 90 years old.

In this state, the problem of if we can withstand such an age psychologically arises? For example, some studies claim that the increased incidence of cancer is due to the fact that we live longer. If we lived 20 years less, we would not develop these tumors; and another 20 years less, perhaps they would not exist at all. There are diseases that are provoked by a long life.

So today’s divorces come from the fact that people live longer. They cannot live together for so many years.

First, our egoism has become very big. In addition, it is always searching for something because it is not satisfied with many things. What can satisfy it? Sex is the greatest and most accessible satisfaction in life.

It turns out that in the end everyone begins to justify their infidelity. This is probably not even called infidelity because it has become an ordinary thing.

I think that in the next few years there will not be a family that would live its whole life in one marriage.
In principle, in our time, sex, alcohol, drugs, and football are designed to cover general dissatisfaction, some kind of general hopelessness, and a general lack of confidence. At least that is a way to blow off steam. This is the shake-up that modern man needs.

Therefore, in no case can I criticize anyone. I understand how necessary it is in our world.

This can change in accordance with the change in a person’s attitude toward the world and toward life, not even in a person himself, but in his environment. As long as the environment becomes softer, it will provide a person with security, as long as a person will feel morally balanced and satisfied in it, so he will be less drawn to all sorts of problematic games and their relaxation in the form of sex. Then things will be much calmer.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lovers” 7/9/11

Related Material:
Why Do The Lazy Live Longer?
What Is the Most Important Thing in Marriage?
When Family Becomes a Family

Like Billiard Balls

627.2Question: Is there mingling in spirituality like it happens now with people changing families?

Answer: There is no mingling. In our world, these are ordinary animal passions. Firstly, people simply have egoistic needs at a higher level and cannot satisfy them in any way, therefore, they calm themselves at the animate level.

Secondly, there is no feeling of the other person at the corporeal level, it does not matter to people with whom and how. They are not interested in complementing each other morally or spiritually, and they collide and scatter like billiard balls.

It is not like that in spirituality. There, the male and female parts exist in the same soul without separating from each other.

Question: Are there claims to each other, i.e., jealousy among the parts of the common organism?

Answer: No, they act in agreement with each other.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Promiscuous Sex” 5/14/11

Related Material:
What Is a Family?
What Is Jealousy?
The Family As The Center Of The Universe

Why Do Women Steal Less than Men?

511.01Question: Vladimir writes: “My friend, who works in a bank, told me about a global reform. The bank’s managers have replaced all men from the cash desk with women. He said that the bank conducted an analysis of many years of monitoring. It turned out that ten percent of male cashiers, working with money, cannot resist and start stealing. And among women, this tendency is much less than one percent.

He asks: “Why can’t men resist having a lot of other people’s money in their hands? After all, it is believed that women love money more. What is the weakness of men?”

Answer: First of all, women are more disciplined. They are more responsible. They have less craving for theft compared to men. They are more loyal. So it is natural.

Question: Why can’t men hold back?

Answer: Men are like children. I can now steal a little something somewhere, buy myself something special, some kind of toy or something else, I will do it, I cannot resist.

Question: So at that moment does the money stick to one’s hands?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And in a woman is there some inner shame to steal?

Answer: Women are very independent and sustained. A female thief is nonsense.

Question: What is at the root here? You keep saying that a woman is a greater desire to receive, egoism can be bigger. And at the same time, you are now justifying them in this way.

Answer: This depends not just on the desire to receive, it depends on independence. Women are more independent. They feel responsible for themselves and for their future. And they feel themselves in a relatively threatening world.

Question: Will she also be afraid?

Answer: Yes. Man does not have this feeling. Again, not from intelligence and not from physical strength or courage, but because he is like a child. Because men lack internal, hormonal development like women, they feel like children.

Question: What is “hormonal”? Do you mean adulthood?

Answer: Yes, adulthood. And that is why they do not have it.

Question: You mean the responsibility to give birth to a person?

Answer: Of course! They can sit on a bench and drink beer, chat with each other, and do something else of that sort. In general, it does not matter what. A woman always has some kind of responsibility for herself, for her relatives, for her mother, for her children, and so on.

Question: Can you say anything good about men?

Answer: Nothing. What can you do? That is who we are.

Question: Then what can be done with a man who has money sticking to his hands?

Answer: This is a problem. He needs to run away from this job. That is all.

Question: So this is the advice: stay away from work with money? So that he is further away from money?

Answer: Yes. This is the first call to prison.

Question: And in the upper root, what is it with the male and female parts?

Answer: The male part just needs a big correction and immediate one, and the woman needs a softer and non–urgent one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/18/23

Related Material:
Maturation Of Men
Men Under Stress
A Crisis In Masculinity

What Is Jealousy?

543.02Question: Does jealousy have a root? Where does it come from?

Answer: In our world jealousy comes from the egoistic feeling of “I have this, it is mine, and I receive pleasure from this, but no one else does. Do not take my bone, or I will bite you.”

But as soon as I become indifferent to this object, let others grab it, take it, and tear it apart into shreds, then I am no longer interested in it. And if it does interest me, then it is only from my point of view so the other person will not feel better than me.

Spiritual states are built only on the combination and mutual participation in receiving the upper light. The female part cannot be without the male part and the male without the female one.

Question: Is there no such thing as jealousy in spirituality?

Answer: What is jealousy? Jealousy of whom or what? There is jealousy only of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Jealousy?” 18/5/11

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of King Solomon: “Who Can Endure Jealousy?”
Jealousy And Envy Are Unique To Man
Envy, Lust, And Honor Bring One Out Of The World

A Spiritual Cell

506.2Question: Are there any restrictions in mixing the souls, i.e., in spiritual mixture? We often talk about mutual integration when one person accepts the desires of the other. But on the corporeal level, everything is kind of determined: here I am, here are my wife and children.

Answer: This comes from the fact that the husband, wife, and their children are one spiritual cell. It is just that in our world it was divided into a male part and a female part, but in the spiritual world it is one Partzuf, Aviut (thickness), and Zakut (purity, subtlety), desire, and Masach (screen), which work together.

Therefore, in spirituality, there are no separately existing female and male parts. Their joint work generates the next state called children.

Therefore, in our world, we are arranged in such a way that we are grouped into families. In the spiritual state, there can be no confusion with husbands and wives, and everyone will find their other half.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Promiscuous Sex” 5/14/11

Related Material:
Family In The Last Generation
The Family Is An Elevator To The Next Level
Creating A Spiritual Family

In the Network of Spiritual Information

264.01Question: Scientists have proven that a woman retains information about all the partners that she had in her life and this later manifests in her children. Why does this happen? Why does the information remain although there is just one father?

Answer: This is why a woman as belonging only to a certain man is valued so much, it is because she carries the genetic information about all her previous men. Up to the fact that children can look like the men who she had affairs with many years before the conception of a child. The body remembers this.

Question: Does it have any spiritual information?

Answer: I would not say it is spiritual information, but it is a record.

We, humans, are very complex, multi-layered beings, so the transmission of spiritual information occurs even through our communication. There are many kinds of spiritual activities going on during our conversation right now.

The information that you receive from me is transmitted through the network through which you are connected with a great number of people, with those whom you knew and with whom you will have contact in the future. We are interconnected in this way.

Can you imagine what a huge communication system we are talking about, what is happening every second in the world? The way we all intertwine! We are moving forward because of this. Humanity is getting increasingly connected by these networks until it reaches complete unity.

Now we are moving toward a state of greater unity with each other. But it is negative. We must turn it into positive or it will tear us apart. There is egoism inside of this unity. Therefore, two opposing forces, unity on one hand and egoism in it on the other hand, will tear us apart.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Casual Love Affairs” 4/30/11

Related Material:
The Exchange of Spiritual Information
In the World of Information
The Upper World Is A World Of Information

“If your spouse has become too demanding and controlling, what can you do about it?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: If your spouse has become too demanding and controlling, what can you do about it?

Kiss him.

It comes from the principle, “love will cover all crimes.”

Similar to Eastern martial arts, we need to use our opponent’s strength. Therefore, when your spouse bursts into complaints or throws accusations at you, kiss them. By so doing, you disarm them. However, unlike martial artists who wish to defeat each other, you have to act from the bottom of your heart.

You find love by building it atop the hatred and impatience you feel in such situations.

Based on the video “This Martial Arts Wisdom Will Better Your Relationship” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash.