What Is Jealousy?

543.02Question: Does jealousy have a root? Where does it come from?

Answer: In our world jealousy comes from the egoistic feeling of “I have this, it is mine, and I receive pleasure from this, but no one else does. Do not take my bone, or I will bite you.”

But as soon as I become indifferent to this object, let others grab it, take it, and tear it apart into shreds, then I am no longer interested in it. And if it does interest me, then it is only from my point of view so the other person will not feel better than me.

Spiritual states are built only on the combination and mutual participation in receiving the upper light. The female part cannot be without the male part and the male without the female one.

Question: Is there no such thing as jealousy in spirituality?

Answer: What is jealousy? Jealousy of whom or what? There is jealousy only of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Jealousy?” 18/5/11

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of King Solomon: “Who Can Endure Jealousy?”
Jealousy And Envy Are Unique To Man
Envy, Lust, And Honor Bring One Out Of The World

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