When Desire Fades…

962.6Question: Why when a man and a woman connect, first the so-called spark of love flares up between them, and then gradually fades and turns into cooling or even hatred?

Answer: This is a natural process, just like any other. It is like I sit down to eat and eventually I get full, and if I continue, then I will have repulsion.

Similarly, there is a period of feeling hungry, satiation, filling, and enjoying it. And then, when hunger disappears, the person is satisfied, as after eating, and therefore needs to stimulate the desire again. Now the desire for this object or for some other requires renewal.

If people are properly attuned to each other and are able to find the process of renewing desires, aspirations for each other, flirting, then they can live together all their lives, be devoted to each other, and find great satisfaction in each other.

There are people who are not originally created to be satisfied with each other. Rabash also said that when you meet a girl as a future spouse, you just have to see if she isn’t physically repelling you. That’s all. And then whatever you decide.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Eternal Love” 7/9/11

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