In the Network of Spiritual Information

264.01Question: Scientists have proven that a woman retains information about all the partners that she had in her life and this later manifests in her children. Why does this happen? Why does the information remain although there is just one father?

Answer: This is why a woman as belonging only to a certain man is valued so much, it is because she carries the genetic information about all her previous men. Up to the fact that children can look like the men who she had affairs with many years before the conception of a child. The body remembers this.

Question: Does it have any spiritual information?

Answer: I would not say it is spiritual information, but it is a record.

We, humans, are very complex, multi-layered beings, so the transmission of spiritual information occurs even through our communication. There are many kinds of spiritual activities going on during our conversation right now.

The information that you receive from me is transmitted through the network through which you are connected with a great number of people, with those whom you knew and with whom you will have contact in the future. We are interconnected in this way.

Can you imagine what a huge communication system we are talking about, what is happening every second in the world? The way we all intertwine! We are moving forward because of this. Humanity is getting increasingly connected by these networks until it reaches complete unity.

Now we are moving toward a state of greater unity with each other. But it is negative. We must turn it into positive or it will tear us apart. There is egoism inside of this unity. Therefore, two opposing forces, unity on one hand and egoism in it on the other hand, will tear us apart.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Casual Love Affairs” 4/30/11

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