We Need to Submit to the Creator

13.03Comment: We had a story about an elderly woman whose husband died. They lived a whole life together in perfect harmony. She asked how to accept it because she could not time believe he was no longer there.

And you said practically one word that there should be submission. We were flooded with questions. A huge number of people are living after losing their loved ones. Their main question is: how to surrender?

Answer: Bow your head before the Creator. He does everything, everything depends on Him, all good deeds and all bad. There is no one besides Him. Bow your head and accept it.

Question: How can I, a person who has never communicated with the Creator, never thought about it, imagine that?

Answer: No, you are with Him all the time! He is in you, and you are in Him. And you are connected to each other your whole life and all your lives. So, there is no need to imagine yourself as remote or rejected. But we must bow down, surrender to His will, and then still take a step toward Him in order to justify Him. This is what we must do.

Comment: It is beautiful, of course, but it is so difficult.

Answer: It is not easy.

Question: And you put all this into the word “submission”?

Answer: Yes. I think that is the right word. Because a person rejoices when he finds this word. When he has someone to bow down to, agree to, without needing justification. This very feeling of submission to the force of the universe covers everything.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/22/23

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