Like Billiard Balls

627.2Question: Is there mingling in spirituality like it happens now with people changing families?

Answer: There is no mingling. In our world, these are ordinary animal passions. Firstly, people simply have egoistic needs at a higher level and cannot satisfy them in any way, therefore, they calm themselves at the animate level.

Secondly, there is no feeling of the other person at the corporeal level, it does not matter to people with whom and how. They are not interested in complementing each other morally or spiritually, and they collide and scatter like billiard balls.

It is not like that in spirituality. There, the male and female parts exist in the same soul without separating from each other.

Question: Are there claims to each other, i.e., jealousy among the parts of the common organism?

Answer: No, they act in agreement with each other.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Promiscuous Sex” 5/14/11

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