Another Reality

281.01Question: Recently, several films have been released about the perception of reality, which seem very close to Kabbalah. People realize that there is another reality, but no one can describe it; they can only fantasize and speculate about it. What is the use of their fantasies if a person does not really see it?

Answer: A person is like a child who plays all the time in order to become an adult. When he aspires to this, he makes great efforts and therefore becomes an adult.

At the same time he invites certain influences upon himself from the degree to which he aspires, from that reality that he does not have in him. But if it exists, he comes closer to it in this way. This is the law of nature! Even plants have an inner desire to grow, and therefore they get big.

Comment: But besides Kabbalists, no one else particularly describes another reality, mostly only those who take hallucinogenic drugs. Moreover, they describe it clearly and precisely, as a single mechanism, and very close to how it is described in Kabbalah. They probably do it due to some other reactions.

My Response: No, they cannot get to the spiritual level. They describe some internal fluctuations that occur in them under the influence of psychotropic substances. But this is not a transition from our reality into another reality! It cannot be done with any drugs!

After all, besides the fact that you must suppress your egoism, you must correctly use your egoistic desire in the opposite direction, for exiting yourself. They do not have that! I do not have a shadow of a doubt that they do not see anything. They can describe some of their inner experiences because chemical reactions work in the brain.

You can say, “But chemical reactions work for you too.” Certainly. I have them as well. But I tune them with my desire, rise above them, and feel the spiritual world not in my animalistic body.

Let us say I am in a spiritual reality. You can come up to me, shoot me in the head, and my body will die, but I will still remain in the spiritual reality because “desire for my own sake” depicts our world for me, “desire for bestowal” depicts the upper world for me, and thus I I feel this upper world without any connection with my body.

But they do not have that! They do not control their desire. Therefore, their description is completely unrelated to spirituality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Unreal Reality” 6/27/11

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