Will Fly Agarics Help Us?

547.04Question: There is a practice called microdosing, which involves taking small amounts of hallucinogenic substances like the mushroom fly agaric ((Amanita muscaria), LSD, or something else. Silicon Valley practitioners claim microdosing increases productivity and creativity.

There are hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube touting how this expands consciousness without consequences of becoming a drug addict (only a micro-addict).

Why does man have to wind himself up all the time?

Answer: There are two very interesting consequences in these microdoses. The first  is that a person begins to rise above himself; this is how he feels. The second one is that he begins to see not only above himself but, I would say, outside himself. Therefore, it attracts people. What else is there in our life?

Comment: Just don’t invite microdosing.

My Response: I am not inviting anything at all. I am not drawn to it myself. I want to realistically view things, not through some psychotropic drugs.

Question: You are always calling for connection between people, for a warm relationship. Is there microdosing in this?

Answer: In connection between us? Yes, of course.

Fly agarics have nothing to do with this. When we connect, we attract the upper light. It influences us, expands our consciousness, and raises us into another dimension.

Question: Is it even despite the fact that we do not want to connect, we do not want any connection at all?

Answer: Precisely because of that! Through this resistance to be in connection with each other—and in a good connection at that—we attract this force. This is the real microdosing.

We can attract a microdose of the upper light, but we are not capable of anything more. But each time, by attracting its different variations upon ourselves, we slowly, slowly create a kind of an ampoule within us, a store of this microdose, with the help of which we begin to feel the upper world.

Question: Do these microdoses accumulate within us? Do we just add layers?

Answer: Yes, of course. It is an accumulative process.

Question: It happens throughout generations? Does a person know when it will shoot out of him, when suddenly everything will work out?

Answer: He does not know anything in advance. It is because he has to work for bestowal, but all his calculations are in egoism. How can he know?

Question: Does it mean that if I knew that it would happen to me at a certain time, it would be a non-working system?

Answer: It would not work.

Comment: You are giving a difficult task to a person.

My Response: It is not me giving it. It is nature, which consists of two halves.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/1/22

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