Entries in the 'Kabbalistic Sources' Category

The Spirit Of The Russian Jewry

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: For some time great Kabbalists lived in Russian cities: the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, and others. Did this influence the spirit of Russian Jewry?

Answer: Without a doubt, students of the Baal Shem Tov lived in every city. The Baal Shem Tov first began to apply the wisdom of Kabbalah that the Ari revealed in the 16th century. He taught this to his many Kabbalist students, those who attained the highest level in the system. Their role was to arouse inspiration in the people, to correctly elevate, stabilize, and lead them forward. This was the idea of restoring the spirit of the people, which they had already lost at the time of the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple), when they fell from the level of mutual love to mutual hatred. So the need ripened to raise the people from the egoistic level of rejection, to the altruistic level of mutual love.

The Baal Shem Tov established what was called Hassidism, practical Kabbalistic work. But it is necessary to say that the Hassidism of today is much different. The Baal Shem Tov changed the study of the Ari to bring it closer to the people and show them them inner correction. In this way, he implemented the general rule of the Torah, “Love thy neighbor as yourself.” The people were then able to leave both spiritual and physical exile, because one is connected to the other. But if a person was not ready for spiritual redemption, he also would not attain physical freedom.

So for two generations until the 18th century, the Kabbalistic current that was called Hassidism prospered. In every village and settlement, there were people who were involved in attaining the Creator on the basis of the right connection between them, which is what the Torah requires. In this way, Judaism became spiritual, and many people appeared who became teachers. At the same time, opponents of Hassidism appeared, but no matter what, both groups began to rise spiritually and this played an immense role in influencing the environment.

Around that time, opportunistic people began to appear, which changed everything and replaced the popular current so that they were no longer involved with the attainment of Torah. Instead, they simply carried out the physical Mitzvot (commandments) with some kind of slightly greater inner aspiration, but no more than that. This means that Hassidism fell to a lower level. But until the end of the 19th century and in spite of all this, there were still a multitude of Kabbalists who felt the higher world, the system of management. From this, they taught others. This very strongly influenced the spirit of Russian Jewry and was rooted in them forever. So the continued discovery of the spiritual world, the discovery of the soul, the feeling of the upper world, and the entire system of discovery of the Creator as the higher force of management, pushed, and today still pushes a large part of the Jews of Russia towards true spiritual attainment.

Among my students today, it is possible to find many from the former Soviet Union and Russians still living in Russia. Even today, the spiritual potential that was inserted into them by the followers of the Baal Shem Tov still lives within them.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 5/07/15

Related Material:
Russian Jewry: An Uncompromising Spirit
Russian Jewry: An Attraction To Self-Expression
Under Gathering Pressure

Dissemination: The Road To Freedom

laitman_934Question: You are inclined to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah by uniting the people through circles and roundtables, but what about the media, radio, newspapers, the Internet, flyers, etc.?

Answer:Israel are not redeemed by sorrow and not by enslavement, not by being shaken, not by madness, not by being pressured and not because they have no food, but when ten people sit together and each one reads and studies with his friend and their voices are heard” (Tana Rabbi Eliyahu Zuta, Item 84).

We use all the other means of disseminating the method of correction as much as we can.

Related Material:
A Circle Is The Form Of Existence Of the Corrected Society
The Round Method
Everyone’s Task Is To Be Integrated In A Circle

The Gifts Of Abraham

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In what way are the spiritual methods of the East different from the wisdom of Kabbalah? After all, they apparently speak about similar things.

Answer: There are 3,800 religions and faiths in the world. All of the main religions actually came from Abraham who lived in ancient Babylon close to 3,500 years ago.

Abraham taught his method, meaning the wisdom of Kabbalah, to a small group that he called Israel. And he gave gifts, or other forms of faith, to the rest of the people. The Torah says that Abraham gave gifts to the children of his concubines and sent them eastward, where all of these methods reach back to us.

The difference is that the method of Abraham possesses the ability to correct a person, something that doesn’t exist in any other method. The wisdom of Kabbalah makes it possible for us to attract the good force towards us that is concealed in nature and that will correct our hatred towards each other to love. This good force is added to our egoistic nature and we become bearers of two forces. The integration of these two forces makes it possible for us to work with them, develop correctly, and discover an additional form of reality that is found outside of us.

Modern physics talks about the existence of a reality such as this. Besides the universe, the world that we see now, there are other forms of reality. The wisdom of Kabbalah makes it possible for us to go out beyond the framework of the limitations of this world and see higher worlds. Possibilities like this don’t exist in any other method because they don’t contain the Light that Reforms. The uniqueness of the Torah is that it contains a force that corrects our nature and raises us above the ego to a nature of bestowal and love, in that it opens our eyes, as it is said, “You will see your world in your lifetime” (Berachot 17a).
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 5/03/15

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In The Body And Above It
Kabbalistic Meditation For The Sake Of Unity
The Search For The “God Particle”

In The Quantum World The Future Affects The Past

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (Hi-news.ru): “A new study says that we now know everything about quantum particles, but we cannot measure them accurately. On the whole we can calculate the statistic probability of the possible outcomes. This fact isn’t a mis-measure in itself but a natural registered phenomenon.

“Not only don’t we know the state of the quantum particle, but until we measure it, it is totally undefined and unclear. The direct measuring process itself forces the particles to vaguely change their status.

“Not too long ago, physicists studied the attributes of particles only through theoretical experiments, while direct observation forced the subjects to hide their quantum attributes.

“In the 80’s scientists devised special instruments that measure these sensitive systems very carefully, and don’t lead to their sudden collapse. The instruments enabled physicists to predict the future state to an accuracy of up to 90%, which means that they managed to perform the process in nine cases out of ten.

“The quantum theory suggests that in the quantum world, time changes in two directions while according to classical physics, just like in the classical world, everything flows in only one direction. The result of the experiment determined the symmetry of time.

“The data that were received indicate that the quantum state of the system combines the information about the past and the future. The graphic illustration of time in the quantum world should be indicated by an arrow with two heads.”

My Comment: It is striking that all the attributes typical of quantum nature were described by the wisdom of Kabbalah 5,776 years ago by the first Kabbalist who discovered the next world that is beyond the egoistic corporeal world. Adam (First Man) wrote about it in his book The Angel Raziel (the concealed force), referring to the general force of connection, which is  love and bestowal.

Related Material:
Quantum Entanglement Affects The Past
Beyond Time And Space
The Quantum Unity Of The World

Meeting On The Bridge Above Hatred

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why is it customary to have a meal on Pesach evening when the entire family sits around the table?

Answer: Pesach is a special holiday because it symbolizes the birth of the Israeli nation. It says that it is only after the exodus from Egypt that they become a nation, and that we cannot be called a nation as long as we are separated and divided, and the egoistic force tears us to pieces. It is only when we resist these foreign forces and try to connect that we discover the force of unity that ties us and that we become a nation. Therefore the Israeli nation today is not called a nation according to the true Kabbalistic definition.

Comment: This state of division was very strongly revealed during the elections in Israel that ended not too long ago and divided the nation into many parties and movements. The internal division is increasingly growing and deepening.

Answer: These elections were very harmful to the nation since we celebrate the fact that we have conflicts and that we hate one another. During the election’s propaganda, we emphasized these differences and everyone tried to harm the other as much as he could. This is terribly harmful to our nation, although it is called democracy. After all, the entire basis of the Israeli nation is unity above all the obstacles and the differences.

Question: But, what should we do if our opinions differ?

Answer: This is a very good thing! It is actually the connection between plus and minus that generates energy. It is good that we don’t share the same opinions. We only must learn how to connect above all the differences. Therefore, the connection to which the wisdom of Kabbalah brings us is far from being a simple idea. We must find the special force in nature that will help us unite despite our differences and oppositeness. The opposite opinions remain, but we know how to make peace between us above them so that love will cover all the sins. This is a very profound principle. We are both sinners, you and I, but we build a bridge above the hate we feel towards one another.

The Book of Zohar tells us that Rabbi Shimon’s ten students who sat in a cave and wrote this book hated each other so much when they began to study at midnight they wanted to burn one another. But, to the extent that they studied together and made efforts in order to gradually build the bridge above their burning hatred, they reached spiritual revelations about which they tell us later in The Book of Zohar. Such a bridge can be built only above opposite opinions.

Question: Does that mean that whenever we have disputes, we always can build a bridge above them?

Answer: We can always build a bridge above our disputes, and moreover, it is forbidden to pressure a person to force him to concede and change his opinion. The more different his opinion is from the others, the better it is.

Question: So, what will build the bridge between us?

Answer: For example, we can take an electric or electronic system that actually works thanks to the fact that it burns energy as a result of the potential gap between two electric wires that reach it. When we are in a conflict and opposite one another because of our egoistic nature, and, at the same time, connect above it, these two levels create spiritual attainment within us. We attain the spiritual world in the potential gap when we discover and get to know not only our current corporeal world, but also the upper world. The attainment of the spiritual world is called a soul.
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 3/15/15

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Global Darkness Before Dawn
The Whole World Is In Exile, The Entire Earth Is Egypt
We Depend On One Another

Ending The Old Myths About The Wisdom Of Kabbalah

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: My acquaintances tell me that it is dangerous to study the wisdom of Kabbalah because you can go crazy. Is it true that it is so dangerous and what should one beware of in the study?

Answer: In the “Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot,” the main textbook for studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is written that the Kabbalists intentionally spread the rumor that it is dangerous to study the wisdom of Kabbalah because they didn’t want people to come to study. So the wisdom of Kabbalah was concealed from the time of the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) almost until our day.

This had to happen because humanity had to develop and the people of Israel had to go through exile. The exile is also detachment from the wisdom of Kabbalah, from knowledge of the system, and a sinking into darkness. So we were in darkness for 2,000 years and this myth has existed about the wisdom of Kabbalah until today. But it was spread by the Kabbalists themselves to keep people away from the wisdom of Kabbalah until its time would come.

And today everything is precisely the opposite. Just as our entire world has transformed, so has the attitude towards the wisdom of Kabbalah changed. The Kabbalists write that from our day and onward everyone must discover the wisdom of Kabbalah and see what it gives to the people of Israel. This is because we cannot solve our problems nor exist any longer without it.

So there is nothing to fear. It is possible to open the book and study, and there are plenty of books that are appropriate for beginners, men and women.

Question: So it follows that in recent years humanity has reached a stage in which the wisdom of Kabbalah must be studied by everyone? Previously this wasn’t so and there even existed a prohibition on its study. But today humanity is found in such a blind alley that the only exit from it is to learn about life existing beyond these boundaries?

Answer: It is specifically the same outlet that is revealed to us through the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah that takes us out of the blind alley in which we are now found.

Question: What do you mean by “beyond the boundaries of life”?

Answer: This is life beyond the boundaries of our corruption, a life in a corrected world. The world continues to act according to determined laws and nothing is changed other than our attitude. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains to us how to manage the forces and the network of connection between us so that everyone will be connected in the right way.

We reach such a harmony, such a unity, in the relationships between us that we discover a unique force between us that helps us rise above this life that is within the body and only for its sake. We begin to feel life on a higher level, and in this manner we go out beyond the limits of this world, this life.

Question: Doesn’t one have to be a great sage for this?

Answer: This is accessible to everyone. In our house there is a refrigerator, a stove, a microwave; do you know how they work? Even if you don’t it doesn’t keep you from using them.

In the same way there were wise Kabbalists who created the method, like a microwave. And there are ordinary people for whom it is enough only to learn to use it. Each one must learn to some degree, similar to how we need to know how a microwave works, in terms of what buttons to press and how to change its states.
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 2/15/15

Related Material:
True Kabbalah Without Mysticism Or Myths, Part 1
Kabbalists’ Legacy: Not Only Books
Why Kabbalah Was Kept So Secret

Clarification Of The Unexplainable

Dr. Michael LaitmanKabbalah talks only about what’s going on inside us. The terms “Israel” and the “nations of the world” stand for our internal properties. However, we use these definitions as if we talk about corporeality. Yet, these notions never imply this realm. Rather, they refer to the internal qualities of a human being.

Kabbalists use common, plain, earthly words to describe spirituality because there are no other words in our vocabulary. Even if we saw the other realm, we would not be able to find accurate words to express our impressions. We would fail to give names to the phenomena that take place there.

If we were to write the titles of all objects in the room on post-it notes, there would be lamps, doors, windows, and bookcases since each thing has a name. If we correct our properties, we would move the wall that separates us from spirituality. We would remove the wall that hides the upper world from us, but, we still wouldn’t find the right words to describe what we actually see there.

It is impossible to find the correct words to name the forces and actions associated with the other realm. How would you explain to others what you saw in spirituality? Let’s say somebody asks you: “Please, tell me a little about what’s there! I am eager to know!” You wouldn’t be able to describe a thing!

Kabbalistic books explain the unexplainable. Kabbalists were the ones who found a solution. We all live in this world, both Kabbalists and common people. We all know this reality.

So, Kabbalists have said: “We will tell you about spirituality.” They wrote books about the spiritual dimension: The Torah, the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud, Mishnah, The Zohar, The Study of the Ten Sefirot. All these books are called sacred; they are not ordinary books because they describe the upper world.

However, we cannot describe spirituality using spiritual words since there are no words there. That’s why these books tell us stories as if they are happening in this world, when in fact, all of them are about the upper reality.

Spirituality is parallel to this world. It is a dimension of forces, desires, impressions, and sensations. It is a domain of feelings! However, the feelings there are not egoistic as they are here on this planet. Rather, they derive from the property of bestowal that doesn’t exist in this world. These are the sensations of love, bestowal, unity, reciprocity, only positive feelings.
From KabTV’s “The Torah Chapters with Shmuel Vilozni” 2/2/15

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The Language Of Kabbalists: Hard To Use, Impossible To Go Without
Physics And Lyricism
The Language Of Branches That Connects The Worlds

A Home Experiment In Changing Reality

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Does the solution that the wisdom of Kabbalah offers have a scientific basis or is it simply in feelings?

Answer: Certainly this solution is realized in a person in feelings, for we were created from the substance of the desire to receive. And so we feel everything through this desire and evaluate things only through that, both the good and the bad.

But it is absolutely a wisdom, it is science. The wisdom of Kabbalah precisely describes all of the systems in which we exist, our connections with each other, and the levels of ascent, meaning increasing and strengthening the connection between us according to 125 levels. The wisdom of Kabbalah uses scientific terminology, such as, five worlds, Partzufim, Aviut (level of desire), Masach (screen), and Ohr Hozer (Returning Light).

Through his correction, the Kabbalist corrects the whole world. As it is said in Proverbs 10:25: “…the righteous is an everlasting foundation.” Throughout all generations, the Kabbalists through their tried actions to “sweeten” our world. But now we have reached such a state in which not a Tzadik (a righteous person), but the whole of Israel, and after them the entire world, must reach conscious connection.

We must invite people to home workshops (home circles), for discussions around a “roundtable.” We are ready to simultaneously organize thousands of home roundtables like these in Israel, and attain positive results in this way.

We will immediately begin to feel very great changes in the Israeli society, and we will happily take part in meetings of this kind that will establish a good atmosphere throughout the nation. These meetings must be dedicated only to connection and unity between us and only for good attitudes. This will have a positive effect on health, familial relationships, and the well-being of each individual and all people in general.

This is an experiment at home that we can actively carry out and see good results.
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of Worlds” 6/16/14

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An Army Is Not Our Weapon
One Big Workshop Throughout Israel
Connection In The Face Of Evil

How To Interfere With The Code Of Life

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is it possible that I interfere with the upper governance’s code that descends to me in the form of a letter? In any other system, writing codes define the way the material the system is made of “behaves” and outlines what processes will take place.

Answer: The code includes everything. At the same time, there are certain gaps left for us deliberately in order for us to contribute our reaction. In other words, we don’t move blindly as robots without having any freedom of will, solely following the immutable laws and forces that govern us.

We accept the program that works within us and that leaves a certain space for our independence.

The program needs us to learn the letters and enter them correctly in the empty spaces that are specifically left open for us at the time the program was keyed into a typewriter or computer.

We are supposed to place the letters in the empty places in such a way that we work in unison with the author of the text, thus helping the program advance nicely in accordance with His and our desires.

Question: So, is it right that the letters can be split into two separate parts:

1.   The letters that are printed within us and that define what will happen to us, and

2.   The letters that we add on our own when we attain the wisdom hidden within them and begin actively participating in the process, i.e., when we write the letters ourselves.

Does it mean that I learn how to control things that define my reality?

Answer: Yes, it is true. What do those empty spaces in the text (the program) mean? You are given a power from above, the will to receive, and the power of bestowal. When they are combined together, the gaps in the text are filled.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/21/14

Related Material:
The Creator’s Typewriter
Letters Are The Symbols Of The Upper Force
A World Of Two Forces

We Must Come Out Of The Aquarium

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why do I need to explore everything with regard to myself in the upper world while we don’t have to do so in this world?

Answer: This is because you exist in a different form in the new reality. In our world, you receive everything into your body; you feel the reality in your senses, and therefore you see this room, the walls, the windows, the table, and me.

How do you know that it all exists? It is depicted this way to you by your senses.

The perception of the true reality is revealed only in the upper world. In our world, you are limited and live in an aquarium my dear friend! You are locked inside yourself saying that you don’t need other senses except the ones that you have in your fish body. Those are enough in order to feel this corporeal life, and you don’t need anything more than that.

You don’t believe that beyond the walls of the aquarium there is a different world, and you are not trying to explore beyond the walls. However, I already have such a desire, which is the beginning of a higher level of desires. These are the same five types of perceptions, but they are on the next level. You perceive everything on your level in the desire to receive, while I develop my perception in the desire to bestow.

Comment: But I use objective measuring tools without involving my subjective feelings.

Answer: That’s what you think, but you are mistaken.

Comment: But being inside the aquarium, I cannot understand my limitations and my influence on the picture that is depicted to me.

Answer: You can. Modern science speaks about this because it has attained the limits of this world. Einstein was the first to speak about the relative perception of our world, followed by the physicist Hugh Everett and other scientists.

The moment we understand that everything is relative, we already have a problem. Everything being relative means that we have no way of measuring anything in an accurate objective way. Each time we have to add the statement that the observation is with respect to the observer who is in a certain frame of reference and in certain conditions. In that case, nothing is absolute and there are no objective facts.

Question: How does the theory of relativity help us discover new horizons?

Answer: Although Einstein’s theory was revolutionary, it is still limited since it refers only to the limitations of our perception and not beyond. It is impossible to exit the boundaries of corporeal perception by a corporeal scientific approach.

Einstein managed to reach this boundary, but didn’t manage to cross it, although he tried. We see that his attitude towards the Creator was like that towards an upper mind, an upper force, and an upper desire and thought. He believed it was very important, since it was clear to him that there is something beyond the limits of the corporeal reality that we feel.

But the only way to enter this upper reality is by special development of the initial desire of this point inside the fish that pulls it beyond the limits of the aquarium. There is a special technique of developing this point, and when it becomes a real desire, a person begins to work with it by drawing on new forces that exist outside the aquarium.

He draws these forces towards him, using everything he has in order to discover and start feeling them, to reach bilateral contact and mutual cooperation with them. Thus he attains a new life.

People who have already attained the upper perception throughout history help a person in order to spare him from wandering in the dark. They leave us their writings and their impressions on which the wisdom of Kabbalah is based. By studying the Kabbalistic sources, we awaken ourselves in the right direction and eventually also attain the revelations of the new perception and feeling of the new world.

This is the real world, since it is independent of our limited corporeal perception. We have to come out of the aquarium!
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of the Worlds” 5/12/14

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Objective Reality or Common Misconception?
Life In An Aquarium
Is It Possible To Attain An Objective Picture Of Reality?