The Quantum Unity Of The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Alex Chulichkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences): “It is impossible to predict the polarization (the direction of oscillation of the electromagnetic field) of the photon emitted by an atom. But it is possible to cause the emission of two photons of the same polarization, but of an unknown direction.

“The photon does not have a definite polarization until it interacts with the observer. However, measuring the polarization of one of the photons will allow the determination of the polarization of the other photon in the same instant. How can the second photon instantly “learn” about the measurements conducted with the first photon, no matter how far they are scattered, and find the polarization at the same instant? Conclusion: our world is not a set of local atoms, bricks; it is a whole, and what happens in one part of it instantly changes the whole.”

My Comment: This is a fact. And the conclusion is simple: All of us are one whole, and that is why we should come to a single form by our own efforts, and from it we will begin to see, feel, and exist in the upper, quantum world—the eternal and perfect world, beyond space, time, and motion (See The Study of the Ten Sefirot, p. 1 “Inner Observation”).

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  1. Hooray!

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