How To Interfere With The Code Of Life

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is it possible that I interfere with the upper governance’s code that descends to me in the form of a letter? In any other system, writing codes define the way the material the system is made of “behaves” and outlines what processes will take place.

Answer: The code includes everything. At the same time, there are certain gaps left for us deliberately in order for us to contribute our reaction. In other words, we don’t move blindly as robots without having any freedom of will, solely following the immutable laws and forces that govern us.

We accept the program that works within us and that leaves a certain space for our independence.

The program needs us to learn the letters and enter them correctly in the empty spaces that are specifically left open for us at the time the program was keyed into a typewriter or computer.

We are supposed to place the letters in the empty places in such a way that we work in unison with the author of the text, thus helping the program advance nicely in accordance with His and our desires.

Question: So, is it right that the letters can be split into two separate parts:

1.   The letters that are printed within us and that define what will happen to us, and

2.   The letters that we add on our own when we attain the wisdom hidden within them and begin actively participating in the process, i.e., when we write the letters ourselves.

Does it mean that I learn how to control things that define my reality?

Answer: Yes, it is true. What do those empty spaces in the text (the program) mean? You are given a power from above, the will to receive, and the power of bestowal. When they are combined together, the gaps in the text are filled.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/21/14

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