The Real Cause Of The Conflict

294.2There must be disagreements. After all, then we have the opportunity to make efforts precisely in the place of conflict to rise above the differences, not destroy them, as they try to kill the enemy in our world, to break him, but to complete each other.

Completion is always expressed in mutual bestowal, in the attraction of the Creator’s quality between the feuding parties, between the creations. This is the only way to achieve the right completion, which means peace.

Therefore, the Creator awakens all wars and problems in order to give us the opportunity to correct them in the form of mutual completion in the middle line to establish peace between us due to the fact that the Creator will be revealed between everyone. And this will be the end of all wars in the world.

Until then, wars and conflicts will not end, and we will have to learn better and better how to reach the middle line so that “Creating peace above and bring peace to us.”

Usually the problem is that neither side can, in its egoism, establish the correct cause of the dispute, which consists in the lack of revelation of the Creator. And if we know that all conflicts are designed to give us more desire, opportunities, and abilities to reveal the upper force, then we will already act in the right direction. And then new conflicts will arise, more and more, but they will guide us more and more correctly and more precisely to the revelation of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/11/22, “Winning the War (against the evil inclination)”

Related Material:
The Essence Of Conflicts
How Can Military Conflicts Be Avoided?
Rise Above The Oppositions

A Special Code For Making Peace

550We all come from the same root, from one unique and unified upper force. Even the disputes that flare up between all the inhabitants of this world at all times—those that are happening today, those that happened before us, and those that will be after us—also come from the upper force, because there is none else besides it.

The Creator created this dispute in order for us to reveal all the differences that exist between us in all the forms: in good and evil, bitter and sweet, truth and lies, light and darkness. We are able to feel and take into account only differences, and on their basis we determine connections and contradictions in order to cover all crimes with love.

This is impossible without the dispute that is revealed between the opposite sides. The more our oppositeness is revealed, the greater the differences between our qualities, the more we have the opportunity to understand creation, to feel ourselves, and finally to feel the Creator, to whom we all are opposite.

All these clashes and disagreements between us do not exist by chance, but are specially created by the Creator so that we would be able to feel and know Him. Therefore, the dispute is necessary for our existence. If there are no disputes, differences, and feelings of contradictions, we do not feel that we exist.

The entire difference between alive and dead, which gives a sense of life, exists only through disputes. The Creator created the entire creation as the opposite of Him, and the feeling of this opposition gives us the opportunity to exist and turn it to be in our favor, directing the desire to receive toward bestowal. The combination of these two opposite forms allows us to understand creation, ourselves, and the Creator.

Therefore, there is no choice, we have to always come from darkness to light each and every time, at each and every degree, and in each and every state, reveal contradictions. It is exactly by connecting contradictory sides that we attain the essence of creation and understand why the Creator created us with such qualities.

This is why the dispute is now flaring up in the form of a war. This war is special, it is not just a simple corporeal quarrel, but much more internal in comparison with all the previous ones. This is a war of a new kind for the ideology that the Creator wants to instill into humanity so that we can feel and attain the forms of nature created by Him and to eventually attain Him. We are like clay in the hands of a master, and we come out with a new mind and feelings.

“Peace” (Shalom) comes from the word “perfection” (Shlemut). The world is the name of the Creator, the connection between all the disputing parties, which, would seem, is impossible to bring closer to each other even by a millimeter.

Then suddenly we see that there is a special code, a method, of making peace. It is impossible to bring the conflicting parties closer together directly, but through the upper force everything suddenly adds up for the joint existence. It cannot be in any other way! The upper force could not reveal itself between us in any way other than inside this dispute.

It is necessary to come to peace (to perfection) from the dispute. One thing is impossible without the other, and therefore everything begins with confrontation, with the recognition of disputes.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/11/22, “Winning the War (against the evil inclination)”

Related Material:
Let Him Make Peace Between Us
Spiritual War For Peace
How Can Military Conflicts Be Avoided?

Peace Is A Balance Between Two Forces

232.06Question: Why do all biblical stories of the Torah place such emphasis on war? There are always some conflicts going on in it.

Answer: Because war is a natural state of the world that consists of two opposing forces.

Bringing these forces into some kind of balance with each other, into some kind of more or less correct interaction, so that we can benefit from the fact that they are opposite and at the same time work together for some one purpose–this is peace.

Question: Yet, on the other hand, it is written that the entire Torah is the law of love. Where is love there?!

Answer: The Torah explains to us how we can constantly try to hold both forces so that they work for one single purpose. Then there will be peace.

In other words, the Torah is an instruction on how to balance the two forces of nature within a person and how to correctly direct them so that there is peace in the world.

“Army” in Hebrew “Tzava,” “Tze,” (exit) and “Bo” (entrance), means alternate exits of a person from under the control of egoism and entrances into it.

The same thing happens at all levels. All we do is feel one or the other force influencing us, and try to maneuver between them.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/1/22

Related Material:
War Is A Natural Human State
Eternal Peace—Universe Of Harmony
Wars Are A Consequence Of Internal Confrontation

It Is Worse Than Armageddon

962.1Question: Igor asks: “Is Armageddon, the war of Gog and Magog happening now?”

Answer: In general, it is happening all the time. But there is no such state for us to feel it in ourselves so we see what it is, what it is for, in the name of what, and so on. So we say that it is not happening yet and it will be in the future.

But in principle, this is an awareness of the state we are in and the state it is desirable to come to, the state we are finally coming to.

Today we cannot imagine the future correct state. It is worse than Armageddon. So, we must be led to this state by being consistently taught, and having all our insides revealed and shown to us.

Question: Wars, hatred?

Answer: Hatred and wars, there are many ways to explain to a person who he is and why he still needs to go through negative feelings. Only then will we begin to appreciate the state of truth, love.

Question: Tell me, please, will we be grateful for the terrible conditions that we have passed through?

Answer: We will hold on to them because if they disappear, then the right and useful states will disappear. Nothing that is done goes unnoticed. We must absorb it all.

Question: That is, will I be grateful even for all this?

Answer: So it is said: A person should bless both good and evil.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/28/22

Related Material:
The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 11
Our Inner Battle Of Armageddon
What Prevents Happiness?

Why Do We Need Billions Of Inhabitants On The Planet

3Question: Today, technological innovations and inventions allow most of the things done by people to be done with the help of machines. Robots and automated systems are increasingly replacing humans.

Driverless cars and drones delivering food and medicine to houses no longer surprise anyone. In many countries this is already being tested. But this frees many people from working. What should we do with them?

Answer: The number of people released from work should be very large in order to make it easier to convert our egoism into its opposite, altruism, the quality of bestowal and good connection. After all, it is divided by the number of carriers of egoism. And so it is relatively small in each of us.

If we had the strength to resist our nature, then, of course, we could be like Adam and Eve. We would not need to be divided into eight billion parts.

Since we are very weak but still must convert our egoism into a good connection between us, by changing our attitude toward the world, that is, practically changing the world, we need this great number of people.
From KabTV’s “Virtual World” 2/9/22

Related Material:
What Will 70% Of The World Population Study?
A Glance At Short-Term Perspective
Professions Of The Future

At The Origin Of People

249.01Question: Are Kabbalah, Judaism, and Jews different things?

Answer: No, they are parallel. For the Jewish people, Judaism is a common religion. Next to Judaism, there is a slightly different trend, called Kabbalah.

Kabbalah lies at the origin of the Jewish people. However, it has been in a semi-concealed state for centuries.

Question: You have been practicing Kabbalah for fifty years. During this time, have you discovered the origin of the universe? Do you understand what is happening in this world?

Answer: Yes. This is exactly what Kabbalah engages in.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah” 1/5/22

Related Material:
Religions Around The Wisdom of Kabbalah
Kabbalah And Religion
Separating The Wheat From The Chaff

To The Source Only Against The Current

41.01He who wants to get to the source must swim against the current (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

Yes, of course because that’s where it comes from. Everything comes from the origin. Therefore, one must always swim against the current in order to get to the sources.

Question: Why is it necessary to always fight in order to reach the source?

Answer: Initially, our nature is such that it was created precisely against. The Creator is the source, and in order to reach Him, one must always be in an inner struggle.

Question: Is that why we are hardly heard when we say: ”The world must be united. The world must be united.”? Does it mean that we are trying to direct the world to its roots?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Don’t we want to swim against the current?

Answer: No. We naturally run away from it all the time.

Question: Will we have to swim against the current?

Answer: It is better through education than by suffering. So we need to try to make people understand that we must take this together.

Comment: “Let’s join hands, my friends, so as not to disappear one by one.”

My Response: That’s right. By the way, the words are beautiful.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/3/22

Related Material:
Center For Correction Of The World
Who Will Be Most Affected by the Economic Crisis?
How To Overcome The Global Crisis

“Is Love At First Sight Sustainable?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is love at first sight sustainable?

Love at first sight is not true love, and it is thus unsustainable. True love, rather, has a different foundation, infrastructure and cause.

To love is the meaning of life. There is nothing greater than love.

When love fills us, we are alive. When love disappears, it is worse than death.

Love is when we have something that we can do for another person, and it fulfills and enlivens us. There is no stronger emotion than love.

Why does love fade away? It is because we have to renew it. Love is like a pet that we need to constantly feed. By doing so, we can continually renew our love up to a point where it can be felt endlessly.

Based on the video “Love in the Movies – A Kabbalist’s Response” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 3/16/22

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic “Purim

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Peace”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

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