The Real Cause Of The Conflict

294.2There must be disagreements. After all, then we have the opportunity to make efforts precisely in the place of conflict to rise above the differences, not destroy them, as they try to kill the enemy in our world, to break him, but to complete each other.

Completion is always expressed in mutual bestowal, in the attraction of the Creator’s quality between the feuding parties, between the creations. This is the only way to achieve the right completion, which means peace.

Therefore, the Creator awakens all wars and problems in order to give us the opportunity to correct them in the form of mutual completion in the middle line to establish peace between us due to the fact that the Creator will be revealed between everyone. And this will be the end of all wars in the world.

Until then, wars and conflicts will not end, and we will have to learn better and better how to reach the middle line so that “Creating peace above and bring peace to us.”

Usually the problem is that neither side can, in its egoism, establish the correct cause of the dispute, which consists in the lack of revelation of the Creator. And if we know that all conflicts are designed to give us more desire, opportunities, and abilities to reveal the upper force, then we will already act in the right direction. And then new conflicts will arise, more and more, but they will guide us more and more correctly and more precisely to the revelation of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/11/22, “Winning the War (against the evil inclination)”

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