The Essence Of Conflicts

232.05Remark: According to Kabbalah, two forces exist in nature: the force of bestowal and the force of reception. The force of bestowal emanates and develops. The force of reception differentiates, it is responsible for diversity. The collision of these two forces in man is the essence of conflicts.

My Comment: Yes. But without this it is impossible. If there was no egoistic force in each of us, then that single altruistic force that would act on us would be very monotonous. It would not be able to develop us. We develop from opposites.

Therefore, on one hand, the force of breaking is necessary. And on the other hand, the force of unification, integration is necessary.

Question: Does that mean that conflict is a natural state?

Answer: The most important thing is what we want to achieve through conflicts. If these conflicts are proper, if they are organized by us in such a way that we develop correctly and learn from them how by rising above them it is possible to exist in a better way, then we would see the positive force in them, a positive force that breaks us down so that we rise even higher above them.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/16/20

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