The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 11

115.06The War with Your Selfishness

Question: Is the war of Gog and Magog a constant war between a person and their egoism?

Answer: Yes. But, basically, it takes place in our time and on. Therefore, this period is called the end of days. Even Baal HaSulam called it the last generation.

Question: Is it because egoism has grown today?

Answer: Now the very last stage of the ego is manifested—absolute hatred and rejection of one another.

Question: The concept of the end of the world is associated with the war between Gog and Magog. In Hebrew, the end of the world is Sof haOlam. Olam” comes from the word “Haalama,” (concealment). Is this the end of hiding, i.e., a positive phenomenon?

Answer: Of course! We are heading toward an absolutely positive phenomenon. The only question is when will come to it? Can we shorten this path? They say yes and that Kabbalah points out how to do this. Let us hope for such an outcome.
From KabTV,s “Spiritual States”, 4/30/21

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