The Nature Of Feminism

Laitman_004Question: What is the nature of feminism, and what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Answer: I believe that feminism is an egoistic distortion of the role of women in society, in the family, and in relation to themselves, and it reflects a lack of understanding of the woman of how to realize herself.

All tendencies and currents that are not strictly natural and traditional are considered to be distortions. Understandably, we must consider them, but they have no right to conduct propaganda regarding attitudes toward the world, life, and the sexes in order to attract others to their opinion.

Comment: In the past, the oppression of women and withholding the right to vote from them became a social phenomenon that produced a struggle for the sake of human rights.

Answer: That is a different matter. But now, feminism has become a deliberate drawing of attention to the female sex. And men are forced to react in a certain way to this and pay particular attention.

For example, I am often at various conferences and conventions, if there is are 20 in the presidium, there is a demand that the number be evenly divided, half men and half women, even if, in terms of their talents, they understand less about the subject under discussion. This is an erroneous western perception that will soon disappear.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

Related Material:
The Roots Of Feminism
Women In Power
A Woman, Satan’s Tool Or The Crown Of Creation?

A Mediator For Revealing The Creator

laitman_934Question: Why do I need a mediator in the form of the group if only the Creator and I exist?

Answer: How will you find the Creator otherwise? The Creator is what we discover in the group, the attribute of unity.

Question: If we are a kind of instrument, a desire for revealing the Upper Light, how can we discover it?

Answer: Imagine that we are in an ocean of Light, that I am in a spaceship orbiting the earth. I am in an empty airless space, and I see darkness. Who is hiding the light from me? No one. So why don’t I see light instead of darkness? Because there is nothing out there that can reflect the light so that I will see its reflection. We don’t see the direct light that reaches us but only the returning light.

Think about the physical phenomenon of seeing a dark space, the travelers of a supersonic Concorde plane, for example, which rises to great heights in which there is little resistance and the light disintegrates, see a dark sky through the plane windows, not a white or blue sky.

We should understand that we can feel anything in the world only through our rejection, not by our reception. This is the reason I need a group, so that in the mutual cooperation with it, by rejecting it and by the group’s rejection of me, I discover the Upper Light. It is revealed only by our mutual rejection and attraction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

Related Material:
Where To Look For The Creator?
Hidden Connections
Experiencing Spiritual Life

The Spiritual Development Of A Couple

laitman_559Question: I cannot stop dreaming about a family where the Creator is revealed between a couple. Will it interfere with the fulfillment of my dream if my husband doesn’t yearn for the Creator?

Answer: His attitude does not depend on him so you cannot blame him in any way! It is the Creator Himself who gives a person the yearning for the Creator. The Creator brings a person to study the wisdom of Kabbalah. According to The Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot, item 4, it says that the Creator puts a person’s hand on the good fate and says: “Take it, choose this.”

If a desire for the revelation of the Creator has emerged in you, it was given to you by the Creator, whereas your husband was not given this desire. Therefore, you are the one who should fulfill the desire and not him. He is absolutely free.

You cannot know what kind of soul he has and when it has to fulfill itself, and it may very well be that it has already fulfilled itself and is actually here now by your side, in this passive way, only in order to help you fulfill yourself.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/26/16

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Helping Or Complicating Life?
Should A Woman Give In To Her Husband?
Learn from Queen Esther

New Life 784 – The Truth Behind Political Correctness

New Life 784 – The Truth Behind Political Correctness
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Why do people feel the need to be politically correct? When is it right to hide social injustice and what will lead to true egalitarianism in society?

There is no truth in the relations between us. We hide what we really think.

Main points:

  • The ego grows from one generation to the next. In the past there was a clear division between social classes, whereas today everyone wants to be respected.
  • In the 20th century everyone has an opportunity to study and to develop.
  • We are not equal by nature. We have different characters, different genes, and different attributes, but subconsciously we all aspire for equality.
  • Equality means that everyone contributes as much as he can to others and not that everyone does whatever he feels like. We are supposed to develop to a state of mutual complementation, which will connect all of us.
  • Mutual complementation is possible only if we act according to the rule of “love will cover all our transgressions.”
  • The recognition of evil without knowing the remedy for correcting it is destructive.
  • We are living in an evil culture where everyone hates everyone else and everyone needs a lawyer by his side.
  • We have a method for correcting evil and it is based on teaching all of society how to connect to each other.
  • By being politically correct we prefer to keep quiet and not to say the truth, which leads to a breach in our relations. By teaching people to connect, we develop the ties between us.
  • In the future, political correctness will disappear and the teaching of how to connect between people, how to love above the hatred, will emerge.
    From KabTV’s “New Life 784 – The Truth Behind Political Correctness,” 10/27/16
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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11.28.16

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“Fading Western Optimism”

laitman_272In the News (El Pais): “For decades the EU was concentrated on itself, while the United States have drawn away from Europe to pay increasing attention to Asia. But now, unexpectedly, we face serious challenges, which are similar here and there and do not come from outside but from within our own countries. And by sharing our familiar demons, again we become aware that we function as a true community destination. …

“First, faith falters on economic progress, believed indefinite, and goes installing the impression, shared by broad layers of the population, that new generations will live worse than the preceding. And secondly, the fear is heightened to a loss of identity linked to cultural changes brought about by immigration.”

My Comment: Optimism is the result of new prospects for the development of society. But to see it, people must open their eyes and understand how society develops as the egoistic force in nature develops and requires the revelation of the altruistic force. The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals this process to us. Today we have come to the point in which the revelation of the second force of nature is vital, the second force that is meant to balance the negative egoistic force.

Related Material:
“The Decay Of The Ghost Is Haunting Europe”
Europe In Decline
The EU Will Sink Into Irrelevance

What Do We Enjoy In Spirituality?

laitman_608_02Question: In spirituality, does a person enjoy something specific or is this enjoyment for no reason?

Answer: Not only is there a reason for spiritual enjoyment, but it is also emotional and personal because a person knows to whom he is giving pleasure. He joins his desire and fills it so the pleasure is eternal and perfect.

Question: What is this pleasure?

Answer: The pleasure is from the love of others through you and through others to love of the Creator. The circle is then closed through an inclusive connection and inclusive love. The Upper Light begins to fill everyone to the degree of this connection. For this to happen, even a small group of people is sufficient.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/28/16

Related Material:
The Secret Of Spiritual Pleasure
Where Can We Find The Patent For Eternal Pleasure?
Kabbalah – The Method For The Elevation Of Man

Two Views About Life And Death

laitman_760_2Question: Is there life after death?

Answer: According to the mundane understanding, the sensation of life depends on the manner in which we are living, and after death there is a sense that there is no life.

But according to the spiritual understanding, life goes on forever. Even here everything depends completely on the manner in which we realize and discover it.

Therefore, death doesn’t really exist in spirituality.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

Related Material:
What Happens To A Person’s Soul When He Dies?
Where Will I Go After Death?
A Person Without A Soul

Answers To Your Questions, Part 152

laitman_216_02Question: Can I write prayers for myself?

Answer: Certainly, just like King David wrote the Psalms.

Question: Were the Shamati articles written in the language of the branches? What I mean is, is it possible to understand the meaning of the words in the text as they are usually explained in this world?

Answer: No!

Related Material:
Answers To Your Questions, Part 151
Answers To Your Questions, Part 150
Answers To Your Questions, Part 149