Entries in the 'Inner Work' Category

A Man’s Attire Shall Not Be On A Woman

laitman_533_02The Torah, Dueteronomy 22:05: A man’s attire shall not be on a woman, nor may a man wear a woman’s garment because whoever does these [things] is an abomination to the Lord, your God.

The so-called female and male desires have separate intrinsic states. Female desires are mostly selfish. They can be corrected only if a man is by the side. And male desires are desires for bestowal, they are basically intentions.

Therefore, a woman cannot be without a man. A female desire must be either under the guidance of her father or her husband. A free woman, that is a free desire, shouldn’t exist because without the right intention it will be selfish. This is a law and it shouldn’t happen in the nation.

That’s why the current state of humanity and society is completely opposite to the correct state.

If a woman “wears man’s clothes,” this means that she behaves freely as a man, which is the source of all problems in society. But it stems from the fact that it is necessary to correct internal desires, which are always female desires, while the intentions are male. Therefore, a man must always “cover” a woman (desire) with his intention.

If a man “puts on women’s clothes,” this means that he descends to a level at which he starts working for reception instead of bestowal. And this is a terrible degradation.

A man in Hebrew is called Gever from the word Gabrut, an effort, which means putting effort in overcoming his own egoism and always trying to set himself on the Creator. And if he is not doing this, then he is at a very low, animal level. It is said: “All are like animals.”

A woman is a state when you feel your egoism, you try to do something about it, but you cannot. To do this, you have to “get married,” that is, find a man’s intention.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/28/16

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Evening And Morning In Spiritual Work

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, Deuteronomy 16:06: You shall slaughter the Passover offering in the afternoon, as the sun sets, at the appointed time that you went out of Egypt.

The exit from Egypt symbolizes the initial separation from egoism and rise above it. Afterwards the correction continues because disconnection from egoism and rise above it is still not the correction of the ego.

Therefore, the exit from Egypt constantly recurs. Every time you have to take some part of egoism, feel how you come out of it, and start correcting it for the opposite property.

“Evening” is a state when you feel that there is a new evil in you because a night is the beginning of a day, the time when all evil forces, which you collect and expose, emerge. Then the morning comes.

“Morning” does not mean a sunrise, but a sense of confidence that now you can work in bestowal with all these egoistic desires.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/10/16

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Never-Ending Exodus From Egypt
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Acting For The Benefit Of Others

Dr. Michael LaitmanMost important in the spiritual work is to put filters or restrictions on all our thoughts, actions, desires, and words, which would act strictly in one direction: ensure that thoughts in the head, desires in the heart, words in the mouth, and actions by hands all work only for the benefit of others.

However, it doesn’t mean running from hospital to hospital, helping the needy, or assisting old ladies to cross the road, and so on. Nothing like this! We see that this doesn’t give us any results.

There is only one thing left: to pass the Upper Light through ourselves to the entire world by becoming one nation, as it is written in the Torah, “And you shall be unto me a nation of Cohens.” If we undertake this and become intermediaries between the entire world and the Creator in order to bestow to Him and to the world, but never to benefit ourselves as “Cohens have no allotment in this world,” then we will bring the whole world to harmony, balance and fulfil our mission.

This is the essence of the chapter Shoftim (Judges), who all the time have to measure and weigh correctly, pass fair verdicts, and control themselves.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/21/16

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Learning To Distinguish Good From Evil

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can we distinguish between good and evil? After all, they both can hide under the same mask.

Answer: We learn this gradually. There are no deceptions here because we are dealing with the force that creates and shapes us. Therefore, a person must thoroughly examine himself and understand that he is an absolute egoist. Then he will continue to discover himself more and more.

There is no other way. He has to keep going forward until he reaches the first degree of correction. Then it will become easier for him because he will develop his own understanding of how it happens.
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 11/27/16

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On A Swing

Why Do We Get Problems?

Why Do We Get Problems?Question: Suppose a person lost a wallet with money. And suddenly it occurs to him that this happened because he didn’t come to the lesson or did something wrong. How can we explain it?

Answer: We don’t. It’s foolish! Do not ever draw such conclusions or connect these things together. Later you will see how wrong you were. And most importantly, it limits you and starts imparting unnecessary clues and connections.

Question: Why are such problems sent to me?

Answer: Because you are an egoist. First and foremost, you have to establish your connection with the friends in the group, and through them draw the upper Light of goodness that will correct you. Then you will not lose wallets if it’s unnecessary. And if it’s necessary, you will.

Question: Does it mean that I can sit in a ten from morning till night and lose a wallet every day? And there’s no use trying to understand what the reason was?

Answer: It’s not that there is no use doing it. It’s forbidden! You will not discover causes and consequences before you fully reveal the whole system anyway.

Question: But does the “cure” still come through a ten? Can I tell myself that if I have any problems, it means that I do not invest enough in the love of friends?

Answer: In any case you hit the mark in a ten!
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 12/11/16

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“Clear Away The Evil From Among You”

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, Deuteronomy 22:21: …for she [the girl for whose virginity no evidence was found] did a disgraceful thing in Israel, to commit adultery [in] her father’s house. So shall you clear away the evil from among you.

It is about the Klipa (shell), the desire that, despite being connected to the upper level, still retains the intention for its own sake.

There is nothing that can be done here because the correction of this girl (this desire) is her death, meaning killing the intention “for oneself,” cutting it off from the actual desire.

The desire is left in a pure state, without an intention. Specifically Lev HaEven (the stony heart) kills the intention. Then this desire returns again and begins to correct itself with other intentions.

The call “clear away the evil from among you” means “engage in scrutiny all the time.” This is our work at different levels. Therefore, the entire Torah describes the path of one’s spiritual correction.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/5/16

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Impossible Yet Necessary
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Impossible Yet Necessary

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: On the one hand, a person cannot get rid of his egoistic nature—the upper force carries this out. On the other hand, you say that a person is not given something that he is unable to do.

Answer: A person, as in mathematics, is given a condition that this is impossible yet necessary. Here, a natural question arises: “How?” If we cannot do anything yet the correction is compulsory, then it is impossible to avoid it either.

The solution is to use the wisdom of  Kabbalah to attract the force that would change us, instead of us changing ourselves! For this reason, Kabbalah was given to humanity.

Certainly, we are not able to exit our egoistic nature that forces us to think only of ourselves and of no one else. Whether we do so subconsciously or consciously, this is still the only thing that exists in us.

However, we can attract upon ourselves a special force called the Torah, or the upper Light, the property of love and bestowal, that will transform us.

Today we are beginning to see from our own mistakes that we, like dogs, are chasing our own tails, unable to do anything with ourselves and the world. We can only raise our hands and surrender ourselves to the mercy of the flow of evolution: Whatever happens, happens.

Judging by the number of people suffering from depression, drug use, and all other parameters, a larger portion of humanity is beginning to realize that it is in a state of despair. And now something must be done.

The only solution is for us to raise above ourselves. This can only be done with the help of the upper force. The wisdom of Kabbalah is the method for revealing it.

When everyone realizes that this is the only way out of a dead end, we will succeed.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/5/16

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The Angel Raziel
The Third Force
How Can We Get To Know The Creator?

Taste In Spirituality And Corporeality

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In our world, we all feel the same taste from certain foods or drinks. No one can say that sweet is bitter. Is it the same in spirituality, or is everyone’s experience individual?

Answer: In our world, we have a certain agreement on how to call a specific taste. However, how do you know that you feel the same thing as the other?

Question: And in spirituality, is there such consent?

Answer: Yes. The Kabbalists write Talmud Eser Sefirot, and other books on the attainment of the Creator because they have very precise and matching sensations, unlike the ones in our world. For example, if I recorded that on a certain level I sensed certain attainment, then you will feel the same sensation upon reaching that level.

Question: Do Kabbalists feel the same taste if they are on different levels?

Answer: Of course not. The fact is that in the spiritual world we can measure our sensations, but each one will feel them differently, proceeding from the root of their soul, from their vessel (Kli).
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian, 11/20/17 

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Equal And Different

Preferring The Son Of The Unloved Wife

Dr. Michael LaitmanTorah, Deuteronomy, 21:15-17: If a man has two wives, the one loved and the other unloved, and both the loved and the unloved have borne him sons, if the firstborn son belongs to the unloved, then it shall be in the day he wills what he has to his sons, he cannot make the son of the loved the firstborn before the son of the unloved, who is the firstborn. 

But he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the unloved, by giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the beginning of his strength; to him belongs the right of the firstborn.

Everything that is said in the Torah must be understood in the spiritual and not material sense: as if I like this baby, and the other one less, or that this is a beloved wife, and the other one not.

At the spiritual level, everything happens in a completely different way. My favorite desires are egoistically closer to me. Unloved desires make me work harder and therefore, the firstborn comes exactly from them. This is my strength.

The “firstborn” is higher and stronger than what comes from a weak desire that I love, so contrary to all kinds of egoistic calculations, I should prefer a desire that originates in a more serious egoistic layer.

My “unloved wife” is complex, integrated, difficult, and has a tough character. It is my very strong egoistic quality and therefore, with its help I can attain a greater spiritual height.

However, I need to work on it, overcome myself, and that is why I have to take up precisely the unloved desire, raising myself above my egoistic qualities only to the act that draws me closer to the Creator and pushes me higher and further away from my egoism. Naturally, the unloved son gives a greater ascent, a greater elation. For this very reason it should be preferred.

Question: Is this the root for enemies eventually becoming closest people to me?

Answer: Of course. And vice versa, it is said that those living in your house will be your enemies because with your enemies, you have to work harder and correspondingly, you ascend higher.
From KavTv’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book”, 9/26/16

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Esau and Jacob: A Battle for Leadership
And You See A Beautiful Woman

Do Not Ignore It

Dr. Michael LaitmanTorah, Deuteronomy 22:02-03: But if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, you shall bring it into your house, and it shall be with you until your brother seeks it out, whereupon you shall return it to him.

So shall you do with his donkey, and so shall you do with his garment, and so shall you do with any lost article of your brother which he has lost and you have found. You shall not ignore [it].

“Your brother” and all his possessions, including animals, symbolize desires that need to be corrected. You can use his animals, only not to kill them: You can feed, milk, and work with them in the field but only until you are asked to return them back.

The fact is that the desires developing in you sometimes cannot be corrected at your current level, and at a lower egoistic level you can do it precisely because you are using them temporarily.

Imagine that you have to perform a certain task, but you are too lazy. However, when you see that it is not yours, you are thrilled, you have a desire, an opportunity to fulfill it, and you take it upon yourself namely because it is not yours and relates to another. It frees you from the pressure that you feel when you are obliged to do something.

That is, you carry out the correction on a secondary level, as if performing it for another, thereby making it much easier. Moreover, you have no right not to use this opportunity. Hence it is written: “Do not ignore it.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/28/16

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If Your Brother Is Sold To You
Sale And Redemption
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