Acting For The Benefit Of Others

Dr. Michael LaitmanMost important in the spiritual work is to put filters or restrictions on all our thoughts, actions, desires, and words, which would act strictly in one direction: ensure that thoughts in the head, desires in the heart, words in the mouth, and actions by hands all work only for the benefit of others.

However, it doesn’t mean running from hospital to hospital, helping the needy, or assisting old ladies to cross the road, and so on. Nothing like this! We see that this doesn’t give us any results.

There is only one thing left: to pass the Upper Light through ourselves to the entire world by becoming one nation, as it is written in the Torah, “And you shall be unto me a nation of Cohens.” If we undertake this and become intermediaries between the entire world and the Creator in order to bestow to Him and to the world, but never to benefit ourselves as “Cohens have no allotment in this world,” then we will bring the whole world to harmony, balance and fulfil our mission.

This is the essence of the chapter Shoftim (Judges), who all the time have to measure and weigh correctly, pass fair verdicts, and control themselves.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/21/16

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