The Opportunity to Gain Freewill

193Question: In theory, the Creator created creation and gave it a sense of freewill. How is it even possible to give a person a quality that supposedly gives independence, but at the same time the choice of decisions and freedom of will as though they are not programmed?

Answer: This quality is created by a person gradually. It doesn’t really exist in nature. When a person begins to work on himself to get out of himself into others, then he has the opportunity of freewill.

In fact, this is freedom not in the sense of “do whatever you want,” but freedom from your egoism. This is not the freedom of being between egoism and altruism, love and hate—no. It is the freedom to be in love, in giving. In our understanding, freedom means that I will do what I want! There is no freedom in this!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. See What Doesn’t Exist” 8/30/13

Related Material:
Free Will Is Above Desire
Free Will: What Is It?
The Connection Between Free Will And Morality

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11/3/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Writings of Rabash “The Need for Love of Friends”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

“Why is the world deteriorating?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why is the world deteriorating?

The world is starting to understand where it is. We are starting to agree with the fact that the future will be no better than it is today, and the next generation will be far worse off than we are.

We have passed our peak period of corporeal progress, and we are currently in a withdrawal period with nothing good waiting for us in the future.

We will thus bear witness to more and more negative phenomena across the board, such as rising depression, loneliness, anxiety, stress, drug abuse, suicide rates and a general atmosphere of despair.

Today, it has become more and more commonplace to look at our children and think, “What a shame that they were born! Look at the kind of world they are growing up into! What kind of world are we leaving for them!?” We thus need to learn what lies ahead for us, and to do so very quickly.

Kabbalists wrote about the major transition period our world has entered a long time ago, and described the comprehensive solution for how we can improve our lives: a method for positively connecting with each other above our growing egoistic and divisive drives.

Therefore, the world is deteriorating in order to show us that the current way we live our lives—in increasing inner detachment from one another—leads us to nothing good, and that changing direction to a positive course depends solely on breaking down the walls between us. By connecting to each other, we will discover a better future.

Based on the video “Why the World Is Deteriorating” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/2/22

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Iranians Are Conquering Fear

547.01Comment: Protests continue in Iran. It seemed like it would end very quickly that they would be crushed because the government has strong control, mainly through fear and intimidation. But suddenly the protests are continuing, which began after the morality police killed a 22-year-old girl. People went to the streets. They show footage of women taking off their hijabs and cutting off their hair.

It seemed that only fear worked, that man was a slave to fear. And suddenly, there’s a state of rising above it.

My Response: I understand. The fact is that Iran is a special country, spiritually developed, not religiously. An ancient, I would even say, respected country, which is one of the cradles of civilization.

Question: The Persians?

Answer: Yes. If they awaken correctly, this country will be very strong and prosperous.

Comment: It is interesting that you say this about our, one might say, bitter enemies.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. The enemy can also be respected.

I once visited a fugitive Sufi in England. There are many such people there. So you can’t discount all this.

Comment: How highly he spoke of love!

My Response: Yes. It lives in Iranians.

Question: Do we need to establish some kind of relationship with them after all?

Answer: It depends on them. I think we would certainly agree to it, but their party is too religious. In general, there are no qualms between us on either side. Absolutely.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/29/22

Related Material:
Iran, Jews, and the Atomic Bomb
“Will WW3 Start Because The Tensions Of Israel And Iran?” (Quora)
“What It Takes To Make Peace With Iran” (Times Of Israel)

Any Appeal to the Creator Helps

624.07Comment: Prayer in the heart arises automatically, that is, any lack that manifests itself: I want to drink, I want to eat, I want, I want.

My Response: Every living being, everything that exists, has it.

Question: What does the Creator think about this?

Answer: Nothing. He Himself awakens these desires and He also fulfills them.

Question: Does He want me to ask? Or is there no point in this?

Answer: If you ask against your nature, above your nature, then this is a completely different matter. You consciously turn to your nature and to the Creator, and you want to change yourself.

Question: If, for example, I am ill and I want to be cured, then, in principle, is there a point to ask the Creator about this; after all, He caused this disease?

Answer: The request helps in any case. Any address to the Creator helps. It is better to turn to Him and ask for anything just to be directed straight to Him.

In fact, prayer should consist of the correct direction, called Kavana, intention, and then it will be very effective.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

Related Material:
What Is Prayer?
A Request To Return To The Source
The Request And The Answer At Once

Are We Facing the Fate of Sodom and Gomorrah?

631.1Changed apartments—moved from Sodom to Gomorrah (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

My Response: Still there is a difference. There is Sodom and there is Gomorrah.

Comment: But still, both cities were destroyed.

My Response: It does not matter. They were destroyed, but in different ways.

Question: Where should I really move to if I want to escape from Sodom, from the desire to live for myself?

Answer: Only inside yourself. Break through your egoism, and there is the Creator inside you.

Question: Then there will be a way out, we escape from Sodom to the Creator? Is that what He wants?

Answer: This is the only way to attain and reveal Him.

Question: When the Creator says: “I will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah,” what does that mean?

Answer: It means those forces that prevent us from revealing Him.

Comment: The Creator seems to say: “You have to reveal Me. But you resist, so I must destroy.”

My Response: Yes. These are two disgusting qualities that specifically prevent and very much hinder the revelation of the Creator. They are not egoistic in general, but they confuse us along the way and there is nothing we can do. These are qualities within a person.

Question: Why are these qualities not egoistic?

Answer: Let’s say a prohibition to steal or prohibition to take from the other.

Question: Are these the laws of Sodom?

Answer: Yes. It turns out that not only can you not give to the other, but you have no right to receive from the other. You cannot help and accept help. You have to live independently, on your own, very precisely and correctly.

Comment: “Mine is mine, yours is yours.”

My Response: If we all lived in the world today according to such laws, the world would be different.

Question: Then why does the Creator want to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Answer: Because it does not lead to correction, to coming closer to each other, to mutual support, mutual adhesion, and to revelation of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/27/21

Related Material:
Heaven And Hell Are “Frames” We Experience Within
Why Was The City Of Sodom Destroyed?
Is Sodom That Bad For The Will To Receive?

Where Is the “I” Of the Kabbalist?

281.02Question: You, as a Kabbalist, are a kind of a substance that consists of desires and intentions. You look just like any other person. How do you build some of your consistent actions in our world?

Answer: On one hand I am a teacher; whoever wants to receive the knowledge that I possess from me can get it through the regular lessons on the Internet, through books, and so on. On the other hand I am an educator. Those who want to listen to my advice can receive it.

Besides that, I also influence the world based on my inner potential. This influence is not perceived and not felt by others. Those students who are next to me feel it during lessons. But, in general, it is not perceivable; it cannot be measured in any way, you can only feel that there is some kind of power in this person. When you are next to him, it penetrates you, but nothing more than that. It is not something obvious.

There are Kabbalists who lived in this world and left books and disciples behind them. Now they are gone, but this does not mean that they do not exist and do not act, and act, even more than we do! This is because they are in the system, only they are not perceived by us.

And I am still in a system that is felt by the lowest level in existence. Due to the fact that I am on the same level with them, I can help them, show them, give an example, and support them.

Question: Where is your “I”?

Answer: “I” is the most acute sense of the need for self–realization. What would I like to do most effectively at this moment in order to realize myself? This is called “I.” Obviously it already depends on the person, what he would want.

Question: And your “I”?

Answer: I think I am trying to do that in all my actions. For example, now I urgently need to run to realize my “I” in front of hundreds of people who, in turn, will listen to how they can realize their “I.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the “I” of the Kabbalist?” 9/8/13

Related Material:
Who Rules The World?
Who Is Managing The World And Is There Any Evidence?
A Kabbalist Can Stop A War

It All Depends on One’s Attitude to Life

625.02Comment: When there is pressure that you didn’t see coming, it seems easier to outlast it than to throw yourself into the millstones of the group.

My Response: It depends on one’s level and one’s understanding of his purpose in life. If my goal is to be healthy, then I am happy to go under the surgeon’s knife and I even pay a lot of money for the surgery.

But if my goal is only to live well with fewer problems, then I’m completely dead. I take all kinds of painkillers and sedatives—a drink here, a pill there, and so I prolong my existence.

Everything depends on the attitude to life. Therefore blows, yelling, or negative reinforcement are sometimes perceived as positive. It is correction!

For example they probably write lots of things about me on the Internet. But I’m not interested in that because I have a goal. How will I reach it if I don’t pursue it every moment?

If I could read serious, critical articles, comments, and discussions about myself and about my path, I would be happy to seek them out. But I know from the inner state of the world that there is no one who could argue with me on equal terms. Although I do not place myself above others, I’m implying the grasp of the spiritual level. I see no one.

Of course there are such people, but they will not show up on the Internet. These are the spiritual people like my teacher. There is a slight spiritual contact between us. This is a very special connection between people in the world.

As for all sorts of “philosophers” who understand nothing about Kabbalah but only borrow various terms, names, and definitions in order to juggle them around, I have nothing to say to them or to the various religious leaders, mystics, etc. who are based in god knows what; none of them have spiritual attainment.

Question: But is there a category of people who have reached a certain spiritual level?

Answer: Of course, but they are not in physical contact with each other. They just feel that there are other people besides them in attainment.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Real Success” 8/21/13

Related Material:
The Truth of the Spiritual Path
My Way
Success Is A Relative Concept

Seeing a Person’s Future

961.2Question: When you look at a student, do you know his or her entire path from beginning to end?

Answer: What does it matter? It is still very hard to describe, including his freewill and so on. There is nothing obvious. There is a program, but the method of its implementation is concealed.

But if we were at the end of final correction, which no one has yet reached because this can only be done together, we would see all the paths we have traveled. This can only be seen by going through them and being in the final state.

No person can fully see what is happening, what will happen, and in what form. In principle the stages of the path are known, but the time when they will come true and how they are realized is unknown since this is determined by our freewill.

Question: But you once said that Rabash knew your path from beginning to end?

Answer: Probably, but I do not think he knew exactly how it would be implemented. As far as I understand, not a single created being, until its final correction, can see an absolutely complete implementation, which is above freewill because it is on the next level of the entire picture of the universe.

That is, you must rise to the full correction of this picture, behind which there are so-called 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th millennia.

Question: But can a Kabbalist see the dry program, I mean the program itself?

Answer: Of course. But not the dates. It is impossible to say how this will be done, by war or by peace, this year or in 20 to 30 years. Otherwise, we would not have freedom.

This would automatically cancel any of our actions. Not that you know and do nothing, but in a completely different way. If this picture were clear, visible, and realized, then you no longer need to do anything.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To See the Future of an Individual” 9/8/13

Related Material:
Make The Future Yourself
What Determines The Future Of A Person?
The Only Factor That Determines Our Future