Uniqueness Of The Creator, Part 2

laitman_558Two Authorities and Multiple Gods

Question: Throughout history, people saw that there are two forces. Therefore, as Baal HaSulam writes, the second theory of the governance of the world appeared: the theory of two authorities. That is, people saw that there is a good, kind force and there is a bad one. What does Kabbalah say about this?

Answer: Kabbalah says that there are two forces controlling us: the force of reception and the force of bestowal. They manifest in a person in accordance with one’s development.

Kabbalah always speaks in relation to a person. We do not know what exists outside of us. The manifestation of a good force or of the other one, opposite to it, comes from one force, as two reins (two systems) that control a person in order to lead him to a certain goal, to develop him.

We cannot develop with the help of one force. A person is created as a sensitive element and in order to raise him, it is necessary to influence him with positive and negative forces.

Remark: From here comes the third theory of the governance of the world, about which Baal HaSulam writes, “multiple gods.” Since there are a great number of all kinds of influences on a person, in order to explain many phenomena two forces were not enough.

Therefore, humanity naturally came to the conclusion that certainly, there is a separate force behind each of these influences, and it is necessary to address it and serve it in some way.

My Comment: That’s absolutely correct.
From Kab TV’s “Basics of Kabbalah,” 12/10/18

Related Material:
Uniqueness Of The Creator, Part 1
Nuances Of The Theory Of Duality
Two Forces That Create A Human Being

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