Domination Over Egoism

laitman_530Question: What does egoism feel when working in the ten?

Answer: Each one in the ten pushes back his egoism and aims toward the quality of bestowal and love for the other nine friends. This is called “the first nine Sefirot.” The tenth Sefira (egoism) goes down.

It turns out that we build a network between us that should be equal, through its qualities, to the Creator.

What does “equal to Him” mean? To the extent that I exit myself and rise in the ten by one or two units in connection with the friends, that is my spiritual level. To this degree I attain the Creator and reveal the lights of Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Haya, and Yechida.

Question: At the same time, do I constantly push myself away from egoism without losing it in my sensation?

Answer: Yes. Depending on the level of egoism (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), I attain the Creator, His force in the soul. The Creator is the light and the entire system in itself is a soul.

The more egoism, the more I rise above it; precisely contrary to the ego, I use it to connect with the friends, and to that extent I reveal the Creator. This is how the system is arranged. We must work together. The whole problem is in implementation because all of this is within us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/9/18

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