Leaders Of The New Century

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: A charismatic leader always gives direction to and encourages people. As a rule, he is quite authoritarian and in some cases even tyrannical. Will this trend be evident in the leaders of the 21st century or will their qualities change due to human evolution?

Answer: Leaders will use all the human and superhuman qualities necessary for and according to the new paradigm to which we are heading. But they must change. They will be educators because humanity needs to be re-educated, and this is the main problem of our time. After all, the masses of unemployed will require re-organization, to be placed in open universities, schools, and to be provided with television programs, scholarships, etc.

Human life will be subject to a strict schedule. The perceived need that will arise in people will lead them to the state that all their life they will be engaged in self-improvement:  public, national, and global, and everyone will have to contribute.

Everyone will have his own responsibilities, changing his egoism to collaboration with others in the shared global, integral society. He will have to achieve a sense of a different existence “outside the body” where I don’t live caring about my animal body, but am occupied with “the human being within me.” This requires very serious, great leaders, meaning educators who understand human psychology and aim their leadership precisely at raising people to a new level.
From KabTV’s “Through Time” 3/18/13

Related Material:
Reaching Out To Leaders
A Leader Is The Greatest Agoist
The Three Identities Of The Educator

One Comment

  1. Dear Mr. Laitman, goodness of the day may be with you!

    My name is Andreea and I live in Romania.
    And because everything takes place at a certain moment for a certain reason, recently I came across these webpages filled with information. I am now connecting things I know with things that I discover here.
    In a way, almost everything I have read until this moment, sticks perfectly to the image I am puzzling to complete in my mind, while trying to comprehend why and how these little pieces of puzzle connect or interact between them.
    I am trying to picture in my mind “The Big Picture”, as in “The Understandable Big Picture”. This has never stopped since I started, a time ago.
    And so, reading the above topic and what follows below, I can not stop but thinking (considering the rule of a honest leader’s conduit): aren’t the leaders of today’s nations (or those leaders before these) tyrannical and authoritarian enough? (And with what results?)
    I also can not ignore the first of all times model of non-authoritarian (human) leader and I prayfully recall the good human who was Jesus Christ. I am sure He existed in felsh and bones and no one can convince me of the contrary. He was the One leader to follow and the rules weren’t so many, if one can consider those Ten Commandments as the start of a peaceful life. Are these simple 10 rules so hard to follow? Is this a strict schedule for God’s masterpiece of creation, which is The Man?
    I am sure (and this certainty I find it deep inside myself, where words are useless) every single person has the potential to be his own leader. And yes, one needs guidance, but guidance in rediscovering what he already knows and knew since the begginning. Humans crave to be reminded of their origins, from where they come from, even if they are not conscious of it all, or even if there’s only the uncertainty that lies behind us, as an unformulated unanswerd question. Yet, we still did not give up the struggle to try to reach “perfectness”. And this is embeded in our cells, the atoms we are made of. This is how we got here, because of this “uncertain” struggle, the struggle of survival.
    The way to access this information is the way one should follow, but leading should come better from within ones innerself and only a small part of guidance from outside leaders.

    I also have a question, to which I do not expect an answer, as the answer is continiously revealing itself: can humans survive themselves?
    And again, deep inside myself I know we will, otherwise we wouldn’t be the Masterpiece of God’s Creation anymore.
    We know nothing, but we also can know everything.
    I believe everybody has the Absolute Answer for the Absolute Question
    This is how I stop writing down my thoughts, but not before thanking you for sharing with everybody what has to be known once and for all, so that we can return to our Father, the Only One True God we are part of.

    Love of Light may be with us all!

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