Why Do We Have To Live Within A Society?

whats-the-right-attitude-to-have-to-this-worldWhat do we know about ourselves? We know that we are in a reality called “this world,” and that we are born into it, generation after generation. And this world continuously advances because man develops; that is, he becomes smarter, more egoistic, and desires more things.

This is how we move forward, every person throughout the course of his life and one generation after another. Contrary to all other parts of Nature (the still, vegetative and animate levels), we humans constantly develop. That is to say, our desire develops and compels us to improve our environment and our life, including education, culture, science, technology, and everything else.

But one person alone can never secure the life that he desires, and this is the reason we have to live in a society, so we can unite and profit off of each other. And we can see that over the course of history, the arrangement and structure of society have changed many times.

Thus, our entire life revolves around deciding, “how much will we give in order to receive as much as we want?” Or in other words: How can we establish a relationship between the receiver and the giver (where each of us is the former and the latter) so that everyone will be satisfied?

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The New Generation – A Definition
Laitman.com Post: Our Connection Speeds Up Our Development By Seven Billion To The Seven Billionth Power
Baal HaSulam Article: “Peace in the World”

One Comment

  1. You said in a lesson that “one should use the right vessel, no the kelim of the past but the kelim of the future”, and this was of a significant help. Thank you.

    You also mentioned that “one should bring its coarseness”.

    How does one brings its coarseness?

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