Is It Possible To Hasten The Correction?

psychiatry-and-kabbalahTwo questions I received on advancing on the path to spirituality:

Question: I have been watching Channel 66 and the morning lessons for the past few months, and I was at the Congress. But I still can’t understand the purpose of my existence in this world. Is there any sense in hastening the correction if it was initially determined to be completed at the end of this millennium? Is there a way to reach it faster?

My Answer: The program of correction will be completed by the forces of Nature (the Creator) by the end of the sixth millennium. This can happen in 231 years under the influence of the coercive forces, which we perceive as suffering. However, we were given Kabbalah in order to hasten the path of correction and to go through it pleasantly. Kabbalah explains the Creator’s plan, and to the extent we are willing to attain this plan, we proceed along the good, short, and simple path, arriving at same result.

Question: Nature constantly pressures us, forcing us to develop. Theoretically, we can classify the pressure into three types:

  • strong, as when a child develops physically, not by his own free will;
  • weak, such as a person who lives a regular life thinking that he is free in his actions; and
  • intermediate, when a person discovers Kabbalah and acquires the freedom of will to choose to advance by the path of Kabbalah or by the path of suffering.

Is this classification correct?

My Answer: No, because the pressures differ in their nature and quality.

Related Material: Post: We Can Develop Without Waiting for the Suffering to Come Post: The Writings of the Last Generation

One Comment

  1. Does the Creator sets up personnal relationship? I feel a desire for my ex-girlfriend. What I do is just pray for her, but does the Creator wants me to do something more? Is she suppose to be my wife?

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