Entries in the 'Science' Category

We Are on the Way to a Magical World

293Question: We admire all kinds of discoveries, but all of our human discoveries are imperfect. Meanwhile, nature creates absolutely perfect things. For example, a bird’s egg is considered one of nature’s most amazing creations. This structure protects new life from the surrounding world while allowing it to breathe. It is strong enough to withstand the weight of the parent incubating the egg, yet it is fragile enough for the chick to break the egg from the inside. Everything is thought out.

Why can’t we create a perfect structure and nature can? Perhaps something needs to change in the approach so we will be able to at least get closer to it?

Answer: Perhaps we can get closer to it, but it is impossible to create the same thing.

Question: What is it within us that we cannot replicate?

Answer: We cannot replicate the Creator’s actions and results.

Question: And we will never be able to?

Answer: No. We will contrive, we will do something, and perhaps we will shout that we have done even better, but of course, we are highly unlikely to succeed. The goals and conditions pursued by the Creator when He created the foundations of life, such as an egg, a cell, and so on, are all inaccessible to us, beyond our control, and unattainable.

Question: So, for Him it was the creation of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When we create something we are not involved in the creation of life?

Answer: No. We are generally driven to this by ambition, desire for wealth, fame, and so on. This is the secret of failure.

Question: You just mentioned the secret of why we cannot build something perfect. Are we able to turn this around?

Answer: No, for that we need to change ourselves and change our egoism to altruism. Change the purpose of your existence from conquering nature to conquering yourself.

Question: Is the scientist who creates such systems the one who conquered himself?

Answer: No, he does not conquer himself but wants to conquer nature. Before conquering himself he still needs to undergo a transformation.

Question: Does the one who truly wants to become like that have to conquer himself?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If scientists who have conquered themselves were able to create something, would we then have such an egg?

Answer: No, we are not capable of doing that. Only if we bend before the Creator and are able to transform ourselves.

Question: What kind of world will we get if we manage to submit to the Creator?

Answer: We will get a magical world where there is only love, concessions, and goodness. Everyone will live in joy, happiness, and mutual support that is considered the highest manifestation of human nature.

Question: Would that be the world of the submissive, and our world is the world of the rebellious?

Answer: What kind of world is this? This is the animalistic world.

Question: Are we inevitably on the way to that world? Are we progressing toward it through everything that happens to us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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Evolve not Technologically but Internally
Who Causes the Imbalance in Nature?
Who Disrupts the Balance of Nature?

Kabbalah Is an Exact Science

249.01Question: People come to study Kabbalah not only because of the lack of meaning in life, but also because they are searching for answers to their problems, like for example, their children’s autism or something else. But you immediately dismiss these topics saying something like “Do not talk about this.” Maybe it is worth revealing some things?

Answer: I do not know what to answer to this because these are border areas that are not clearly clarified in our world. I do not like to talk about inexact scientific data.

I examine psychology because it relates to Kabbalah and speaks about the perception of the world in the five senses. Kabbalah also speaks about an additional perception of the world in five spiritual sensory organs.

By itself, the wisdom of Kabbalah operates with clear physical data. We dissect the desire into parts, grade it, and show in which part and depending on what, a person feels and attains reality one way or another.

But when can I talk about this with him? When can this be explained to a person? When he is already in this.

Before that, he himself does not know what he is learning. Even if he enters into The Study of the Ten Sefirot or something else, what is the use? This makes no sense because in our world there is nothing analogous to spiritual sensations.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Why are You Scaring Everyone?” 9/5/11

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Where Psychology Ends And Kabbalah Begins
The Sphere Of Kabbalah And The Sphere Of Psychology
Kabbalah And Jungian Psychology

Kabbalah—the Psychology of the Modern Times

222Materialistic psychology, which has developed during the past 100 to 150 years, is the study of human egoism: how individual egoism interacts with everyone else, what connections, thoughts, tastes it has, and how it develops and satisfies itself.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychology, developed this system in practice, but today it does not work anymore because the system has become integral.

It requires us to exit ourselves and to not view the surrounding society with the selfish purpose of gain and fulfillment. After all, according to Freud, our main instinct is food and sex, “bread and circuses.”

Now the surrounding environment asks something different from us. “You will not receive fulfillment if you are not participating in bestowal in the way that you would be in balance with the surrounding environment” nature says to us. Thus, Freud’s approach does not work here anymore.

Kabbalah steps forward in place of Freud. It tells how to balance oneself with the surrounding environment in order to feel optimal and comfortable. In other words, Kabbalah is also psychology, but it is a psychology of the modern times, the psychology of connecting humanity into a single integral one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You’re repeating the same thing!” 8/13/11

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Kabbalah And Mathematics
Kabbalah – The Science Of The Future
Kabbalah Is Not A Sect

Mercy Is Contact with the Creator

294.4All bodies, the firmament, the stars, the earth and its kingdoms, are not equal to the lowest mind; for it knows all these and itself; and these bodies do not know anything. All bodies together, and all minds together, and all their products, are not equal to the least feeling of love. This is of an order infinitely more exalted (Blaise Pascal).

Question: What kind of property is mercy? Can a person manifest this property at all, or is it not given to us?”

Answer: Mercy is a property of the Creator. And this is a property that can be generated by a man. In part, it exists both in animals, in plants, in fish, and in all living beings. But in a man it must awaken in a measure similar to the Creator.

Man is born to achieve compassion. It is necessary to learn to be compassionate.

Question: Pascal was a great scientist. Did he achieve some point of the basis of man?

Answer: Scientists of those times felt it, and that is why they entered the field. That is why they called it all philosophy.

Comment: But the former philosophy is not the philosophy of our time.

My Response: It is natural.

Question: How does a scientist who works in exact sciences come to such feelings?

Answer: He feels the world; he feels how the whole world is interconnected, and therefore he strives to study its even greater interactions.

Question: Does he reach the foundation of the world?

Answer: Yes, of course. Scientists do want to dig into that. But if they reach this point of mercy, it means that they got to the bottom of something.

Question: You once said that the world was created just from this point, the point of mercy. Did a spark of mercy appear?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If a scientist comes to this, then does the road to the Creator in principle become closer?

Answer: This is practically a contact with the Creator.

Question: Is it like the fate of scientists, or is it the fate of every person, to reach such an understanding of the spark of mercy?

Answer: This is the fate of every person. And we will all reach the state in which we will reveal—each for himself—that interaction, interconnection, and mutual sensory penetration into each other that is the goal of our development.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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Man Is Someone Who Is Compassionate
Indifferent Compassion
Feeling The Suffering Of The Whole World

Foreign Faith

409Comment: In the past, people often adopted another religion, and this was considered normal.

My Response: Because religions were decisive for man. This is all that humanity had.

Comment: But in fact, the person did not change, just the name of the faith changed.

My Response: No, at that time it was really believed that a person had become different. Let’s say the war ended, Muslims captured a city, lined up all the infidels on the square, and put them to a choice converts to Islam or we will kill you.

In those days, people were a little different. For them, faith was the most important thing in life. Many converted to another religion and remained faithful to it.

It was harder for the Jews. Under the pressure of the Inquisition, they were obliged to convert to Christianity, but they still remained Marans, and until this day there are still many. I was in Spain. Spaniards say that according to statistics, up to 30% of Jewish blood flows in them because after the baptism of Jews, Spaniards and Jews mixed up. This can be determined by surnames and other data.

I heard the same thing in Argentina in South America where people moved from Spain. Columbus, after all, was also a baptized Jew, so he began to look for a new land to take the Jews out of Spain since the threat of exile was already hanging over them. One of his tasks was to find such a place.

Comment: America as such is, in principle, a Jewish country.

My Response: Yes, it was built on the hopes of finding some land where you would not be touched. The first mayors in many American settlements were Jews, gold diggers, too, and so on.

People were looking for a place under the sun where they could be more or less protected and developed. But it all goes away. In fact, it seems to us that America is for everyone, but this is not the case. I have talked to American Jews many times; there is a certain threshold where you will be allowed, and where you will not.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Someone Else’s Faith” 7/30/11

Related Material:
Two Trends In The Life Of The Jewish Diaspora, Part 1
Dispersion Of The Jews Among Other Nations
Israel Is Not A Nationality But An Aspiration

The Cause Of Crises And Conflicts

504Comment: Various sciences, for example, physics and geology, have their own canons. But Kabbalah, although it explains a lot, works with a person’s inner states.

My Response: Naturally, Kabbalah explains the inner world of a person, in which you do not have such fulcrum as in physics and other natural sciences. Natural sciences are what you study outside of yourself, and here is a science that studies you, and you cannot find it all within yourself.

Kabbalah talks about your inner perception, inner world, inner qualities, Sefirot, Partzufim, worlds, and so on, but they are not in you yet. You do not detect them, so you feel bad. You do not understand what Kabbalah is talking about. Do I have it? Do I not have it? It is unclear what and how.

All this you must reveal in yourself, and then you will see that the entire world is in you. Your worldview will completely change. You will see that there is nothing outside: your body does not exist and this world does not exist. There is only one point of consciousness that imagines all this.

Question: What kind of protection is it that when a person seems to understand, but at the same time he has a barrier that immediately erases everything?

Answer: The fact is that you create this picture purely speculatively, it has not yet manifested in you, it does not live within you.

Comment: But at the same time I feel that it is important, it affects me.

My Response: Because you see that this is actually closer to reality, truth, and a sensible view of the world. If you listen to what we said 20 years ago and what we are saying today, we are talking about the same thing. If you listen to what scientists said 20 years ago and their opinions today, you will see how much they have come closer to us over the years.

Today, there really is an opportunity for everyone to connect into one single organized community, which can present some challenges to governments and any public organizations.

The current society does not correspond to the global, integral scheme of nature, and therefore we come to crises and wars. I could not imagine 30 years ago how people would suddenly begin to receive blows only from their non-conformance with the global system.

The Creator, the general integral system of nature, must now begin to manifest itself in relation to us. He wants to be revealed, He comes closer to us, and we are opposite to Him. This is where the conflict and crisis arise.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the proof?!” 6/9/11

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How Does The World Feel The Approach Of The Creator?
The Time Has Come For The Creator To Draw Near
The Meteor Is Already Close

How We Perceive the Single Force of Nature

709Question: Which principles of the universe should we try to fulfill first?

Answer: The principles of the universe are not meant to be fulfilled. Principles are laws of the universe: the law of the equivalence of qualities, the law of the general unity of all parts of the world, and so on. They are not intended for us to fulfill in any sequence. These are the foundations, the bricks of the universe.

Let’s say we have nature in front of us, which consists, say, of 500 elementary particles. Each particle cannot be better or worse than the others. This is all nature.

With regard to us, the only principle of nature is that it is one single force. To the extent that we understand, feel, attain, and reveal it, it is as if we decompose it into many forces, many different manifestations and principles.

Although this is one single force, we interpret it as separate principles since we cannot perceive it globally. Suppose we live in a sort of cosmos, and inside it is the construction of the world, the universe. It is one, but we cannot explore it as a single entity.

We can explore separately the attributes that we call physics, the ones called chemistry, the ones called biology, zoology, botany, geology, and so on, because today we do not have enough experience, knowledge, or development to see it all as one whole. Therefore, we divide general nature into such parts so that we can somehow talk about and explore it. We cannot take everything together.

It is the same with principles. There is only one force inside which we exist. But in order to understand it, to realize its influence on us and how it created us, and how leads us along the path of evolution, we divide its impact into personal, general, historical, and different levels, manifestations, and so on. But this is in relation to us because in this way it is easier for us to absorb it, to approach it, and to feel it.

We cannot perceive it globally. We do not have enough sensations to do this, nor the ability to process everything and evaluate this force. We cannot! This is due to our limitations in terms of processing information, in comprehending it in the general form and simultaneously in all its depths and interconnections. This is our weakness.

Therefore the only principle, which is called: “One, unique, and unified” is divided into dozens relative to us. We arbitrarily divide it for ourselves into many different principles.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laws of the Universe” 3/27/11

Related Material:
One Single Authority
The Uniqueness Of The Force Governing Us, Part 1
The Force That Fills The Whole Universe

Miracles or Laws of Nature?

49.01Question: Why do you simplify Kabbalah? People know that Kabbalists have some paranormal abilities, and this attracts them.

Answer: There are no paranormal phenomena. Why do you always look for some tricks or miracles? None of it exists in nature! We are talking about its laws.

You want to say: “There are some laws of nature that we do not know about. If you show them to us, we will be very surprised.” It is like showing a light bulb to a caveman, he will blow on it thinking it is fire. Or if he sees a self-opening door, he will kneel before it believing the holy spirit opens and closes it.

But these are laws of nature! There is nothing else! There are only things we do not know, which may look like a miracle at first. The iron bird is flying in the air! You can only fall to your knees and pray. But in reality? It is the same for everything!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Miracle” 3/6/11

Related Material:
Have Miracles Ever Happened To You?
Why Are Miracles Performed?
Kabbalists And Supernatural Powers

The Miracle of Revelation

232.1Kabbalah says that there are strict laws in nature. In addition, there are even higher laws, laws of bestowal, which supplement our laws.

Our world is based on the laws of reception. The whole form and matter of our world is egoistic and constantly manifests its egoism: electrons and atoms attract each other and interact with each other, chemical elements grab and attract each other, vegetative nature accumulates all good and squeezes out all bad, animate nature consumes everything for its own benefit, a person mentally does everything for himself, and so on. We are exploring egoism. This is our earthly science.

There is another nature, bestowal, which is to give to others, to fill them as much as possible. This nature is absolutely opposite to ours; it is the anti-world. And this is what is researched by Kabbalah.

But who can explore the anti-world? A scientist who himself, with his properties, is in it. To the extent that he develops his tools of cognition, he can explore it. Otherwise, the upper world does not exist for him, it is hidden from him.

If you ask me to show you something from the anti-world, I will not be able to do it. How will you discover this “something” if you do not have a single spiritual quality?

If you have it, you will see the upper world because you will already have a new sense, the quality of bestowal, and you just need to be taught how to use it and how to control it.

The most important thing for us is to find this quality, to see it in ourselves, to develop it. We do everything together, although it is very difficult. The main thing is to reach the first degree, and since you do not yet know what it is, it really is revealed as a miracle. As if something is close and understandable and at the same time completely unforeseen and unpredictable, so is the quality of bestowal to all our desires and thoughts.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Miracle” 3/6/11

Related Material:
An Ordinary Miracle
Not Asking For A Miracle
Make Yourself A Miracle!

Why Do We Like Horror Movies?

547.02Comment: In 1896, Georges Méliès made the world’s first three-minute horror movie. It was called The House of the Devil. More than 120 years have passed since then, and millions of viewers, and maybe billions, adore horror movies. These movies rise to the top of the highest-grossing movies and bring huge revenues.

Scientists believe that we like horror movies because we want to feel an adrenaline rush but in a safe environment.

My Response: Naturally.

Question: Why do we need this adrenaline and all this horror?

Answer: Yes, look at the child. Bring him somewhere, to the zoo for example, and see how he will stand behind his mother, holding onto her skirt, and look out from there.

This is what it is. I remember back in Leningrad on Vasilievsky Island there was a cinema where they showed old movies. After the film, a smart-looking person would come out and give a little lecture about how we should understand the movie correctly.

Question: So, tell me, does a person need this feeling of horror? Why is he attracted to it all the time?

Answer: It shows him the opposite side of life. It is also interesting for a person to feel the comprehension of the border, beyond which there is something unknown and terrible that surrounds you and tries to bind you.

Question: Is it important for a person to approach this border?

Answer: Yes. It is important. We are always interested in understanding the edge, the border. This gives us a sense of where we are, again like the same child holding on to his mother’s skirt and peeking out from behind it.

Question: Does it say about a person that he is developed when he goes to this unknown and stops? Does a scientist have the same feeling? A scientist who is moving toward some kind of discovery: further and further, and something unknown is before him.

Answer: The unknown does not frighten the scientist. It does not frighten him, but fascinates him. There is some kind of fright in this, but not like in Frankenstein. This is different, I must reveal, understand, comprehend, and feel it. The scientist is trying to get beyond the limits of comprehension, beyond the shackles of our world.

Question: Does he want to go there? The child is hiding behind his mother, but does the scientist want to go there?

Answer: Yes. But all the same, both want to tickle the nerves.

All this, of course, excites the scientist very much.

Both, a small child who looks out from behind his mother’s skirt and a scientist who is trying to reveal something are children who want to know the truth. Although they are scared, the scientist also has this feeling, but he goes there.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/3/22

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