The Cause Of Crises And Conflicts

504Comment: Various sciences, for example, physics and geology, have their own canons. But Kabbalah, although it explains a lot, works with a person’s inner states.

My Response: Naturally, Kabbalah explains the inner world of a person, in which you do not have such fulcrum as in physics and other natural sciences. Natural sciences are what you study outside of yourself, and here is a science that studies you, and you cannot find it all within yourself.

Kabbalah talks about your inner perception, inner world, inner qualities, Sefirot, Partzufim, worlds, and so on, but they are not in you yet. You do not detect them, so you feel bad. You do not understand what Kabbalah is talking about. Do I have it? Do I not have it? It is unclear what and how.

All this you must reveal in yourself, and then you will see that the entire world is in you. Your worldview will completely change. You will see that there is nothing outside: your body does not exist and this world does not exist. There is only one point of consciousness that imagines all this.

Question: What kind of protection is it that when a person seems to understand, but at the same time he has a barrier that immediately erases everything?

Answer: The fact is that you create this picture purely speculatively, it has not yet manifested in you, it does not live within you.

Comment: But at the same time I feel that it is important, it affects me.

My Response: Because you see that this is actually closer to reality, truth, and a sensible view of the world. If you listen to what we said 20 years ago and what we are saying today, we are talking about the same thing. If you listen to what scientists said 20 years ago and their opinions today, you will see how much they have come closer to us over the years.

Today, there really is an opportunity for everyone to connect into one single organized community, which can present some challenges to governments and any public organizations.

The current society does not correspond to the global, integral scheme of nature, and therefore we come to crises and wars. I could not imagine 30 years ago how people would suddenly begin to receive blows only from their non-conformance with the global system.

The Creator, the general integral system of nature, must now begin to manifest itself in relation to us. He wants to be revealed, He comes closer to us, and we are opposite to Him. This is where the conflict and crisis arise.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the proof?!” 6/9/11

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