Why Are Miracles Performed?

610.2Question: What are miracles and why are they performed?

Answer: There are no miracles! There are no miracles in the world.

Question: Then what is presented in the Torah as miracles from above? For example: the Creator helping the Israelites, etc.

Answer: This allegorically describes the state of people who understand the Creator and His control of the world. For a person who attains this, everything is a miracle because he relates everything to the Creator.

Question: Why does the Creator do those miracles?

Answer: It is simply that all actions the Creator performs in nature are aimed at raising a person to His level, at teaching him. We constantly live in the Creator and we are always in His actions. The whole world is the actions of the Creator. And therefore, everything is a miracle.

Or you can say the opposite, that there are no miracles. We are in a system ruled by the Creator. Absolutely, completely, in everything! It depends on how we perceive this system. It all depends on the level a person is at, on his development.

And when it writes: “The Creator performed a miracle,” it means something unusual, not something that happens every day according to the program of creation.

Question: Why is the Creator doing this? Do people need proof?

Answer: This is necessary in order to shake a person, raise him to the next level of awareness, action, etc.

Comment: Still, a person is weak, he needs miracles.

My Response: No. He perceives revelation of the Creator in this way as kind of a reward, a connection with the Creator. But, in principle since we do not foresee these actions in advance, they are for us something extraordinary—a miracle.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/20/21

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New Life 473 – The Miracles And Wonders
Miracles Don’t Happen
The Force That Performs Miracles

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