Kabbalah Is an Exact Science

249.01Question: People come to study Kabbalah not only because of the lack of meaning in life, but also because they are searching for answers to their problems, like for example, their children’s autism or something else. But you immediately dismiss these topics saying something like “Do not talk about this.” Maybe it is worth revealing some things?

Answer: I do not know what to answer to this because these are border areas that are not clearly clarified in our world. I do not like to talk about inexact scientific data.

I examine psychology because it relates to Kabbalah and speaks about the perception of the world in the five senses. Kabbalah also speaks about an additional perception of the world in five spiritual sensory organs.

By itself, the wisdom of Kabbalah operates with clear physical data. We dissect the desire into parts, grade it, and show in which part and depending on what, a person feels and attains reality one way or another.

But when can I talk about this with him? When can this be explained to a person? When he is already in this.

Before that, he himself does not know what he is learning. Even if he enters into The Study of the Ten Sefirot or something else, what is the use? This makes no sense because in our world there is nothing analogous to spiritual sensations.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Why are You Scaring Everyone?” 9/5/11

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