We Are on the Way to a Magical World

293Question: We admire all kinds of discoveries, but all of our human discoveries are imperfect. Meanwhile, nature creates absolutely perfect things. For example, a bird’s egg is considered one of nature’s most amazing creations. This structure protects new life from the surrounding world while allowing it to breathe. It is strong enough to withstand the weight of the parent incubating the egg, yet it is fragile enough for the chick to break the egg from the inside. Everything is thought out.

Why can’t we create a perfect structure and nature can? Perhaps something needs to change in the approach so we will be able to at least get closer to it?

Answer: Perhaps we can get closer to it, but it is impossible to create the same thing.

Question: What is it within us that we cannot replicate?

Answer: We cannot replicate the Creator’s actions and results.

Question: And we will never be able to?

Answer: No. We will contrive, we will do something, and perhaps we will shout that we have done even better, but of course, we are highly unlikely to succeed. The goals and conditions pursued by the Creator when He created the foundations of life, such as an egg, a cell, and so on, are all inaccessible to us, beyond our control, and unattainable.

Question: So, for Him it was the creation of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When we create something we are not involved in the creation of life?

Answer: No. We are generally driven to this by ambition, desire for wealth, fame, and so on. This is the secret of failure.

Question: You just mentioned the secret of why we cannot build something perfect. Are we able to turn this around?

Answer: No, for that we need to change ourselves and change our egoism to altruism. Change the purpose of your existence from conquering nature to conquering yourself.

Question: Is the scientist who creates such systems the one who conquered himself?

Answer: No, he does not conquer himself but wants to conquer nature. Before conquering himself he still needs to undergo a transformation.

Question: Does the one who truly wants to become like that have to conquer himself?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If scientists who have conquered themselves were able to create something, would we then have such an egg?

Answer: No, we are not capable of doing that. Only if we bend before the Creator and are able to transform ourselves.

Question: What kind of world will we get if we manage to submit to the Creator?

Answer: We will get a magical world where there is only love, concessions, and goodness. Everyone will live in joy, happiness, and mutual support that is considered the highest manifestation of human nature.

Question: Would that be the world of the submissive, and our world is the world of the rebellious?

Answer: What kind of world is this? This is the animalistic world.

Question: Are we inevitably on the way to that world? Are we progressing toward it through everything that happens to us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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