Solving Common Problems

547.03Comment: Let’s say ten people discuss an issue together, rise above their personal problems, and come up with a solution. They come up with it based on their egos, since they are not in attainment.

My Response: They concede to each other for the sake of a common solution; everyone restrains themselves. That is enough.

To the extent we gradually approach integration into nature, we will start receiving positive reactions from it.

Comment: Let’s say you have explained this to a person several times, but he says: “You have told me this so many times, but I want specific actions from you.”

My Response: Theses are the actions to follow. Let’s get together at a round table: “What complaints do you have? Why can’t we solve our problems? Why can’t we reach a state of solving everything together? Nature clearly shows us our integrality, our enclosure. If we do not find solutions between us this way, we will destroy ourselves.”

Basically, I have nothing more to explain. I can only say one thing, we will not solve any problems in the world if we do not solve them from the point of view of absolute, complete reciprocity!

The world is running out of fresh water. We have practically melted all the ice. Look at the disturbances we cause in nature: earthquakes, hurricanes, and everything else.

We don’t know how the economic crisis will end. It will never end because it is a copy of our inner state, our connections with each other. After all, the economy is an egoistic reflection of people’s dependence on each other.

Even within the family, with our children, we are simply in a terrible state in everything! See what is happening in all countries, how poorly people treat each other, how they pressure each other! We cannot solve a single problem by continuing to rely on our egoism that destroys us.

Question: What if ten Kabbalists gathered together?

Answer: What can they do? Instead of ten Kabbalists it should be the whole of humanity! It should be the mass media, the governments. There must be an awareness of this necessity.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Need a Decision” 7/9/11

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