Miracles or Laws of Nature?

49.01Question: Why do you simplify Kabbalah? People know that Kabbalists have some paranormal abilities, and this attracts them.

Answer: There are no paranormal phenomena. Why do you always look for some tricks or miracles? None of it exists in nature! We are talking about its laws.

You want to say: “There are some laws of nature that we do not know about. If you show them to us, we will be very surprised.” It is like showing a light bulb to a caveman, he will blow on it thinking it is fire. Or if he sees a self-opening door, he will kneel before it believing the holy spirit opens and closes it.

But these are laws of nature! There is nothing else! There are only things we do not know, which may look like a miracle at first. The iron bird is flying in the air! You can only fall to your knees and pray. But in reality? It is the same for everything!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Miracle” 3/6/11

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