Entries in the 'Science' Category

Artificial Intelligence

025.01Comment: While studying chaos theory, scientists conducted many experiments and created what is called an intelligent mind. They made a computer programmed with certain algorithms. But scientists were not clear why in different situations the computer chose the best way to respond. It seems that these are artificial machines, but there is some element of reason in them.

My Response: It is not reason. It is just that a person cannot embrace absolutely everything and fully understand and feel everything; therefore, it seems that there is some element here above our logic.

It is indeed higher than our logic, higher than our mind, but still it is clearly defined and scientifically determined. We are not able to feel, collect, and understand all these processes. There are no miracles in nature.

Question: Are we also in this state regarding the next step?

Answer: Of course. We are controlled by the forces of nature that drive us forward. But at the same time they require us to develop, to define ourselves, to feel differently.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Artificial Intelligence” 5/7/11

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Evil Boomerangs Back to You

294.3Comment: Famous chemist Fritz Haber was a Jew and a German patriot. It is believed he saved at least a billion people. When the world’s population increased as harvests began to decline, in 1909, he came up with a way to produce ammonia fertilizers from nitrogen and hydrogen. It was considered one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century dubbed “bread from air.”

War broke out (World War 1), and Haber wanting to prove his loyalty to Germany, experimented with and chlorine (mustard) gas that was first tested in Ypres in 1915. He watched as 3,000 to 5,000 French soldiers died an agonizing death right before his eyes. Soon after, his wife committed suicide from shame and his son committed suicide many years later.

In 1918, Fritz Haber received the Nobel Prize for his work on ammonia (fertlizers). Then he headed the institute where the Cyclone Bet gas was created. At a certain time, millions of people were poisoned with this gas in gas chambers in concentration camps. His relatives and loved ones were killed. In 1933, Hitler came to power, Fritz Haber was thrown out of his institute, and died a year later of a heart attack. Such was his fate.

How does the desire to feed the world and invent a suffocating gas coexist in a person?

My Response: I believe he didn’t think about the consequences of either. Simply, as a man of science, he was driven by the opportunity to create something effective. But for what, plus or minus, I think he did not realize.

Question: Can one live like this? Thousands are being destroyed before your eyes with your invention.

Answer: You can say this about anything. Einstein is also the father of the atomic bomb. What can you do?

Question: But he later renounced it.

Answer: To renounce it makes little difference. You can come to renounce anything, but they have already used it.

Comment: That’s interesting. Sakharov is the father of the hydrogen bomb, etc., and later they become generally righteous.

So, you believe a scientist is driven by discovery, a desire to create?

My Response: Of course, this is what interests him. He is not really aware of the consequences.

Comment: It is not too good to realize people have no principles they won’t cross, regardless what is done to them.

My Response: Not with a true scientist; they do not sense life at all.

Question: Is life a desire to create for them?

Answer: Yes. And what it gets used for does not interest them at the moment. That is, whoever takes on this scientist, will squeeze out all they want from him.

Question: Can we draw some conclusions from this for how not to fall under such an environment, not to take part in such inventions?

Answer: No, a scientist cannot. He has an inquisitive mind, his only interest is in discovering something new.

Question: But is this how one is led from above? Is it known in advance he will be like this?

Answer: Yes, of course, it is the upper governance.

Question: So you don’t condemn Fritz Haber in this case?

Answer: I don’t blame anyone at all. I can’t do anything about it because it is out of our hands.

Question: Everything has boomeranged back into his family. His wife committed suicide, his son committed suicide, his relatives were killed by the very gas he invented. Tell me, does a boomerang law exist or not?

Answer: In general, all the good and all the bad we do comes back to all of us and our loved ones, of course. And we have to somehow make a connection between these things. Maybe try to draw some conclusions for the future.

Question: So is there such a simple formula where the evil done returns to you in one form or another? Is there such a law?

Answer: Yes. That is, you have to constantly discern very carefully what you are doing, what you are engaged in, and where you are headed.

Question: Will my bad thoughts about others come back to me?

Answer: It is the same; they will surely come back to you.

Comment: If a person felt this, he could be more careful.

My Response: For this, he must be constantly on guard. Every person should restrain himself and control his thoughts, desires, and intentions in general.

Question: Is it right to restrain yourself? Meaning, one says to himself: “This is a bad thing, I’m not going there.” Like this?

Answer: Yes, even in thoughts.

Question: Even in thoughts? But it is very difficult.

Answer: We call it intention.

Comment: But I’m not free in my thoughts.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. What is sent to you, you are not free in. But what you do with it is your choice.

Question: The third question is patriotism. What kind of disease is it when one is capable of doing anything, that is, he can give himself completely? Even more so than in any other area.

Answer: He sets himself a goal that he can justify and be proud of.

Comment: This is my motherland. I am ready to kill for it, do anything, etc.

My Response: Indeed. All this is found in the worst atrocities by the way. Look what Hitler wrote.

Question: Is it a disease or is it in each of us?

Answer: In every person.

Question: So you can even pull it out of and facilitate it in a person? And push him to the most terrible things?

Answer: Undoubtedly.

Question: So this patriotism was revealed in people who did not expect to be capable of this?

Answer: Sure. We see it directly in their notes, works, letters.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/8/23

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Karma Or Spiritual Development

Principles of Correct Examples

963.5Question: When artificial intelligence is created, it is trained on trillions of parameters, literally on everything that humanity has created during its short existence by cosmic standards. There are no other options. But everything created by people did not really work for their benefit. Then how can the correct information be uploaded; how can we educate it correctly and give correct examples? Where can we take them from if the entire set of examples that exists in the human world is negative?

Answer: We do nоt care if the results are positive or negative. The main thing for us is that we can agree that they are like this. That is, on all the examples that are given to humanity, I can learn both good and bad.

But, in principle, we are talking about the fulfillment of two conditions. The first condition is to act for the benefit of all mankind, second is to not cause irreparable harm to nature.

Therefore, everything that is loaded into a person is evaluated only based on these two principles, and on this basis, a conclusion is made whether to use this example or not.
From KabTV’s: “Kabbalah Express” 7/31/23

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Artificial Intelligence Will Teach Us Happiness
Can Artificial Intelligence Acquire A Soul?
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Unidentified Black Box Mechanism

202.0Question: In the learning process of artificial intelligence, the mechanism of the black box is completely preserved in it. If before a person created computers, he clearly knew it was a microcircuit, an algorithm; there is a cause and effect, and everything goes along the chain and leads to some result. A person understood the whole scheme.

When training artificial intelligence, the structure of neural networks is modeled. At the first level, a huge amount of information is loaded into it—trillions of data. After that something happens in it, like in a black box. Do neural networks themselves line up inside the black box?

Answer: Yes, this is the point at which we do not own data and information.

Comment: This information is located precisely inside the black box, and a person does not know what is happening there both in relation to himself and in relation to his creation. He just gets some result that statistically satisfies him more.

My Response: In general, a lot of questions arise here. How do we choose the result? Do we choose intuitively or because it is inherent in us, that such a result is closer to us and we agree to live with it, but with another one—no way. That is, there is a big problem here in the person himself, not in the machine, not in what it chooses, but in the person who chooses.

Therefore, many questions still remain open. But I think that in the coming years, we will begin to understand this more. I do not know when we can solve this, but we will be able to understand.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 7/31/23

Related Material:
Artificial Intelligence Will Teach Us Happiness
Man And Artificial Intelligence
Can Artificial Intelligence Acquire A Soul?

Definition of Intellect and Its Levels

222Question: If we talk about intellect, then today there is no single definition of this concept. There are several directions according to which classical science defines intellect.

First, intellect is a quality consisting of a person’s ability to recognize new situations, the ability to learn and remember based on experience, understand and apply abstract concepts, and use their knowledge to control himself and the environment.

Second, intellect is a general ability to recognize and solve problems, which combines all the cognitive abilities of a person and his ability to understand various situations.

The third definition is very short and concentrated. Intellect is, first of all, the basis of goal setting, resource planning, and a strategy to achieve the goal.

How would you define intellect?

Answer: I am closest to the third definition. The most important thing is still the goal setting and the way to achieve it.

Question: If you dive into this definition of intellect, then scientists expand it a bit and consider that it operates on three levels.

For ease of understanding, let us call intellect an agent that does something.

The first level is the agent achieves the goal, but everything is controlled by a person. For example, a calculator or a computer. A person sets goals for it and fully programs and controls it in every sense.

The second level is the agent has a goal set by a person, but the intellect chooses the ways to achieve it. For example, an artificial intelligence that learns from some data. The formation of neural connections takes place in it, and on their basis, it can offer something new. That is, this is not programming, this is the creation of something new.

And the third level is an animal or a person who sets goals and develops algorithms for achieving them. Animals set some simple goals and methods to achieve. A person sets more complex ones.

But is it correct to say that a person sets goals for himself?

Answer: As part of our activities, life, and communication, we, in principle, whether we wish it or not, set goals for ourselves throughout life and everything that happens to us.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 7/31/23

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Thoughts And Mind
Attaining The Mind Of The Universe

Same Message, Different Delivery

234Comment: When you explain something, the same message always comes from you, but its presentation is different all the time. From the outside it looks like you are changing your mind and contradicting yourself.

My Response: What can I do?! My teaching is designed for serious people, let’s say people who study physics, especially those associated with such breakthroughs in science as the collider where they are looking for the Higgs boson and so on. Their discoveries can take them in one direction when they solve, say, the mystery of gravitation, or they can be taken in a completely different direction. They are in the middle and do not know what to do. This is how we live because we attain everything in comparison.

Matter always consists of two opposite elements, plus and minus, which gradually expand and connect with each other. The more complex matter is, the more contradictory, opposite are the elements it consists of that connect and complement each other. All of it is built on a contradiction.

If some people cannot comprehend it, what can I do?! They want to live like some kitten and nothing else: this is my mom, my bowl, and a box of sand.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Contradict a Lot” 8/27/11

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The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Other Teachings

Nature Protects the Science about Itself

221.0Question: Baal HaSulam wrote the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” after the Second World War as one of the four prefaces to The Book of Zohar.

Answer: Yes, this material is very difficult to present, especially in such an accessible way as he did.

Question: Why don’t people study it? After all, he described it in the late 40’s of the 20th century. Many years have passed since then.

Answer: This information is practically impossible to apply anywhere except within a man himself. And nobody wants to do it. If only it could be used to make money.

Question: I still do not understand. People study many things which do not provide them with an income. I am not talking about changing oneself, because it is very difficult to change your nature, but just to read it as a source of information, as something important. After all, Baal HaSulam describes the creation of desire in such simple language for the first time! Why are his works not studied anywhere?

Answer: Because people think they do not need them. They are very far from them as if the material is happening somewhere in the sky, not on earth.

Question: However, materials relating to Egyptian mummies, for example, are researched at universities, and what is not made of them? And here, specifically, things are explained in such a language…

Answer: This is done on purpose so that people do not have a specific desire for this, and anyone who wants to would not grab and poke around in it. Nature protects this science about itself on purpose.

Kabbalah is the science about the foundations of nature. Therefore, nature protects it in order to open it only when humanity wants to renounce the picture of nature that we imagine today and to really understand that it needs to change in order to save itself and the world.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/16/23

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Why People Become Disappointed In Religions
The Sinking Of Science: The Past Pride Of Humanity

Truth Is Relative

507.03Comment: You once mentioned that truth is what is supported by a large number of people.

My Response: Any lie that is supported by a multitude of people becomes the truth for them even though it has no real connection to the actual truth or what may be factual. Humanity has many such misconceptions.

We are like small insects on a tiny planet in a small galaxy somewhere on the outskirts of the universe. We know nothing about anyone or anything. We just tamper with nature a little bit, and we have already ruined it. We have dug ourselves into a hole where we no longer desire anything. So there is no point in talking about any truths. What truths are there? Everything is relative to a person, as he imagines it.

If you talk to astrophysicists or specialists in quantum physics, i.e., people who deeply study matter, they will say things that the average person would not agree with. They are already considering that there is no time, no space, no movement, and that our universe is not what it seems, that it is folded, holographic, and that man is not how he feels and perceives himself at all.

In principle, we currently have a completely distorted transitional picture. We are in a phase transition, at a point of bifurcation where all sorts of inexplicable phenomena are happening to us, and we do not know what to do with them.

And what is the truth here? Every time we make mistakes, and again search for the truth, and again accept something as truth only to find that it is not accurate. Everything is relative, and it should be that way!

The main thing is for a person never to be deceived by the belief that they have caught the truth by the tail and now it is absolute. Nothing is absolute in the world because our understanding, our perception, is just a reflection of our internal changes: we feel ourselves and not the universe, not the cosmos.

By feeling ourselves, we constantly see a variety of completely different pictures because we ourselves are changing and are in the process of some kind of evolution that we do not understand.

Now we are also going through a very serious stage of evolution. How we will perceive ourselves after passing through this state is unknown, but it will be completely different. Many scientists are already talking about this. We will perceive the world not individually, but through a collective lens, in general. And it will feel completely different.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the Truth?” 8/27/11

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The Truth Above All

We Are on the Way to a Magical World

293Question: We admire all kinds of discoveries, but all of our human discoveries are imperfect. Meanwhile, nature creates absolutely perfect things. For example, a bird’s egg is considered one of nature’s most amazing creations. This structure protects new life from the surrounding world while allowing it to breathe. It is strong enough to withstand the weight of the parent incubating the egg, yet it is fragile enough for the chick to break the egg from the inside. Everything is thought out.

Why can’t we create a perfect structure and nature can? Perhaps something needs to change in the approach so we will be able to at least get closer to it?

Answer: Perhaps we can get closer to it, but it is impossible to create the same thing.

Question: What is it within us that we cannot replicate?

Answer: We cannot replicate the Creator’s actions and results.

Question: And we will never be able to?

Answer: No. We will contrive, we will do something, and perhaps we will shout that we have done even better, but of course, we are highly unlikely to succeed. The goals and conditions pursued by the Creator when He created the foundations of life, such as an egg, a cell, and so on, are all inaccessible to us, beyond our control, and unattainable.

Question: So, for Him it was the creation of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When we create something we are not involved in the creation of life?

Answer: No. We are generally driven to this by ambition, desire for wealth, fame, and so on. This is the secret of failure.

Question: You just mentioned the secret of why we cannot build something perfect. Are we able to turn this around?

Answer: No, for that we need to change ourselves and change our egoism to altruism. Change the purpose of your existence from conquering nature to conquering yourself.

Question: Is the scientist who creates such systems the one who conquered himself?

Answer: No, he does not conquer himself but wants to conquer nature. Before conquering himself he still needs to undergo a transformation.

Question: Does the one who truly wants to become like that have to conquer himself?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If scientists who have conquered themselves were able to create something, would we then have such an egg?

Answer: No, we are not capable of doing that. Only if we bend before the Creator and are able to transform ourselves.

Question: What kind of world will we get if we manage to submit to the Creator?

Answer: We will get a magical world where there is only love, concessions, and goodness. Everyone will live in joy, happiness, and mutual support that is considered the highest manifestation of human nature.

Question: Would that be the world of the submissive, and our world is the world of the rebellious?

Answer: What kind of world is this? This is the animalistic world.

Question: Are we inevitably on the way to that world? Are we progressing toward it through everything that happens to us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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Evolve not Technologically but Internally
Who Causes the Imbalance in Nature?
Who Disrupts the Balance of Nature?

Kabbalah Is an Exact Science

249.01Question: People come to study Kabbalah not only because of the lack of meaning in life, but also because they are searching for answers to their problems, like for example, their children’s autism or something else. But you immediately dismiss these topics saying something like “Do not talk about this.” Maybe it is worth revealing some things?

Answer: I do not know what to answer to this because these are border areas that are not clearly clarified in our world. I do not like to talk about inexact scientific data.

I examine psychology because it relates to Kabbalah and speaks about the perception of the world in the five senses. Kabbalah also speaks about an additional perception of the world in five spiritual sensory organs.

By itself, the wisdom of Kabbalah operates with clear physical data. We dissect the desire into parts, grade it, and show in which part and depending on what, a person feels and attains reality one way or another.

But when can I talk about this with him? When can this be explained to a person? When he is already in this.

Before that, he himself does not know what he is learning. Even if he enters into The Study of the Ten Sefirot or something else, what is the use? This makes no sense because in our world there is nothing analogous to spiritual sensations.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Why are You Scaring Everyone?” 9/5/11

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Where Psychology Ends And Kabbalah Begins
The Sphere Of Kabbalah And The Sphere Of Psychology
Kabbalah And Jungian Psychology