Mechanism of Spiritual Ascent

528.02Question: I am trying to understand the mechanism of transitioning from a state where you clearly see the faults of a friend in a group to a state where you rise above this and suddenly begin to see his best qualities. How does this happen?

Answer: You must imagine that your friend is above you. As if you bow before him and treat him with respect; you consider him great, and thus you start to want to adhere to him.

Then a special connection appears between you, because you, by wanting to rise to his level, want to get closer to him, hold onto him, and the same with each of the ten people. This way you rise together with them.

Your nine friends treat you exactly the same way you treat them. Therefore, you get a Kabbalistic ten, a group that elevates itself.

Question: Why does this happen?

Answer: Each of the ten contains a piece of upper energy, upper light. If you want to highlight this piece, to raise it, and if you treat all nine friends as greater than you, then you kind of hold onto them and they raise you. And everyone, in relation to everyone, does the same.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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