“The Price for Adopting a Victim Mentality” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “The Price for Adopting a Victim Mentality

A person with a victim mentality tends to feel as a victim of the hurtful actions of others. While some people have in fact been victims of wrongdoing, developing a victim mentality means that they become fixated on blaming their misfortunes on the misdeeds of others. The problem with developing such a mentality is that seeing oneself as a perpetual victim prevents one from rebuilding oneself and succeeding in life. In order to maintain the victim image, people must remain eternal losers, but only they will lose as a result.

It is very difficult to determine where exactly to draw the line between blaming other people for one’s woes and beginning to exploit the wrongdoing that was done to a person for gaining unwarranted benefits. Either way, perpetuating a self-image of a victim impedes one’s efforts to rebuild one’s life and realize one’s potential.

Therefore, to help victims of all types of misconduct, we should focus on the positive rather than on the negative. Instead of reinforcing and perpetuating their image as passive and weak people whose vulnerability had been exploited, we should teach people who have been hurt by wrongdoers that they can always succeed regardless of the circumstances. We should empower people and help them believe in themselves.

The same approach should apply to populations that had been victims of exploitation and abuse. Instead of teaching them to focus on the wrongs that had been done to them, we should help them gain self-confidence and achieve what they did not believe they could. While we cannot change the past, we can choose the future, and this should be our focus.

The activism of certain opinion leaders and other public figures “in favor” of victimized sections of society is nothing but manipulation. Reality proves that these “champions of the afflicted” do not really help them, and in the end, the victims remain empty-handed and crippled by a victim mentality that guarantees they will have nothing in the future because they chose a wrong approach.

While there are certainly people who have done wrong, seeking revenge will not help the victims. Instead, they should focus on building a just and cohesive society for all.

If we create social solidarity, we will solve the problem of exploitation and abuse altogether. If we want equality, we must fight for equal opportunities to succeed, and we will achieve this if we create a society whose members feel connected to each other, cultivate solidarity, and are proud to live in a cohesive and caring community.

Nature Resists Violence

592.03Comment: There have been entire nations in history that disappeared from the face of the earth. But this was preceded by the fact that they always conquered and subjugated other nations. And after that, after some time had passed they themselves disappeared.

My Response: This is a natural process that is absolutely and clearly repeated in nature. Ask any history teacher and he will tell you that these laws are constantly repeated in history. If you come to someone and want to absorb his nation, in the end it absorbs you because nature resists violence.

Wherever we go against its laws, we can never win. As a result and maybe after several generations, the defeated survive and still become winners.

Question: What happens to the nations that disappear from the face of the earth?

Answer: Nothing disappears but just passes from one form to another.

In general it isn’t worth talking about nations because there is no such thing. We are the ones who artificially divide the nations.

Nations are divided into 70 parts according to 70 spiritual roots. But all the same, they come from the same root and therefore, in the end we will rise to this spiritual root and gradually, as academician Vernadsky said, “All this will come to connection.”
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Prophet” 11/23/11

Related Material:
The Reason For The Disappearance Of Languages And Nations
The Heart Of The World
The Nation Of Cohens

Education Is the Most Important Thing!

283.01Question: What does Kabbalah say about education? By stuffing young people with knowledge about chemistry, physics and other sciences, we do not take into account any human factor, we do not give them any fundamental life values.

Answer: Kabbalah says that education is the most important thing! Not chemistry or physics, because they can develop only if a person is correctly disposed to apply them. And without proper education, he uses these sciences to his detriment.

Therefore, we must first properly educate a person, and then give him chemistry and physics; otherwise, he will feel bad from them, he will do damage.

Why do we need today’s chemistry and physics? What do we do with the help of science and technology? We are pumping the last juices out of nature and that is it.

Kabbalah speaks only about the education of a person. Everything depends on it! Moreover, it says: If we properly educate a person, then no physics and no chemistry will be required. A person will suddenly find himself existing in a comfortable world, nature will treat him well, and he will not feel anything bad from it.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Europe Today” 1/26/11

Related Material:
When There Is No Correct Education
Education Is a Problem of Humanity
Education By Example

We Do Not Need To Hide

49.01Question: Mark writes: “Why is it that whenever we want good, we come to bad? If we want peace, we come to war. We want happiness, we get only suffering. We want to educate children, and as a result they are brought up by TikTok, corrupted peers, and scandalous media. It turns out that we do not care about our children. Yet, we have no strength to change anything. Why do you want one thing, but always receive another?”

Answer: Because you, a human, have created a world that affects your child and affects him from all sides. You raised all his friends, you built all this mass media and so on. You did all of it, with your own hands. Now all this affects your son and forces him to be this thing that is embedded in all these means that put pressure on him.

You are responsible for the entire world.

Question: Can you say this to everyone?

Answer: I can. You are responsible for the entire world. Therefore, there is no need to hide somewhere or run away;  nothing will work.

Question: Did I make the world bad?

Answer: You!

Question: How can I make it good?

Answer: First of all, think about the fact that you are responsible for this world, and you can return it to a good state, correct it. So now you are thinking only about the way to correct it. In fact, by correcting yourself, you are correcting the entire world. If you are really sure of it, then it will happen that way.

Question: What do you mean by “correcting myself”?

Answer: From egoism to altruism. That’s it!

Question: Is that all there is?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can you imagine, that’s all there is, and here around us there is such a complex world?

Answer: There is nothing around us. This is all just a display of our idiotic, shoddy egoism! And a shallow one at that, at its lowest level! These are not the great upper forces of nature, negative and positive ones at a morally high level, and so on. This is a little thing that we mess around with like children in a sandbox.

Comment: So, you answer affirmatively to the questions, of which we have a million. They say: “Laitman reduces everything to egoism.”

My Response: Yes, that’s right!

Question: Is it the basis of everything? Of all the troubles, all the suffering, everything in general?

Answer: Yes, and the basis of happiness as well.

Question: Is egoism also the basis of happiness?

Answer: Yes. And it is not going anywhere. We just need to handle it correctly. Thanks to it, we will come to happiness.

Question: In what instance? What do I need to do?

Answer: Use it correctly.

Question: Is this the only thing that is required of me?

Answer: The only thing. You have nothing but egoism in your nature. You have to stand on this egoism, and you have no right to destroy it (even if we assume that there is such an opportunity). No way! Kabbalah forbids it. It even prohibits all kinds of diets and other things like that.

You have to be a normal person. Normal! And to think only about one thing: How can I transform my egoism so that it works for bestowal and love. There is nothing easier.

Question: So, is this the only thing that the wisdom of Kabbalah is engaged in?

Answer: That’s all we need to be engaged in.

Question: Then what is hidden about it?

Answer: It is concealed from us. Therefore, it is hidden. But there is nothing hidden about it.

Comment: Hidden wisdom, signs, letters, gematria…

My Response: It is all because we have nothing to do with this! As soon as you start to move toward this, you immediately begin to understand what it is talking about—about the reverse side of our world.

Question: So, is one simple formula at the heart of everything anyway?

Answer: Yes, invert egoism to its opposite.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/28/22

Related Material:
I’m Sorry I Gave Birth To You
Then We Won’t Want to Destroy Anything
How To Cure Egoism?

Feel the Thought of Creation

546.03People who are more or less connected with nature by profession feel it better. Nature itself forces them to be more delicate, closer to their essence. At first glance they may seem crude, but they feel nature and its laws through themselves, and therefore, they are different.

Comment: In particular, the academic Vernadsky said that humanity should live the life of a single whole. In his opinion, the whole development of technology is not accidental and is connected with the fact that humanity must reveal its globalization. But he wrote about it in general terms, in general concepts. He did not know how to do it.

My Response: He had no methodology. To do this, you need to know all the layers of the spiritual world up to the highest degrees, to the spiritual root of everything that exists.

It is necessary to attain all five worlds, all 125 degrees, not counting our world, and find in that root its five primordial parts, the five initial stages of development, in order to understand the whole plan, the entire previous history of our descent from that root from top to bottom to the material world, and then our ascent from bottom to top.

Vernadsky did not have this device. But he still attained a lot. He felt the thought of creation all around our world, and he called it Noosphere.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Prophet” 11/23/11

Related Material:
Finding Your Place in the Thought of Creation
Two Sides Of The Thought Of Creation
The Thought Of Creation Is A Precondition For Pesach

Why Is Nature so Merciless to Us?

249.01Question: Why at this stage, is nature so ruthless toward us and will not forgive our segregation?

Answer: Because we have grown out of the past state.

For 5,000 years, and even more, we were evolving egoistically. Nature only pushed us: “Advance, advance. If you want to separate, separate. Build. Make revolutions. Do whatever you want.”

And now we have reached the peak of egoistic development in science, culture, technology, and in everything. We have passed this peak and that is it, now we are going down. We need to go further, but with a different attitude to ourselves and to nature, in merging, uniting, and rising above our egoism.

Having passed the egoistic peak, we wanted to continue to rise egoistically. But as soon as we proceeded with this, we immediately began to fall. We cannot continue to rise egoistically but only upon the connection between us, only above the ego.

This is where the breaking point begins, which is now being felt more and more acutely. Therefore, according to Kabbalah, humanity will either come to huge wars that will lead to even greater suffering and will force us to think and abandon our egoistic development, or we will realize that we cannot develop further egoistically. Then where do we get the power that transforms our egoistic energy into the energy of connection between us, into bestowal, into mutual correct human coexistence?

This power is in Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Europe Today” 1/26/11

Related Material:
That Loud Word “Nature”
Delicate Balance of Nature
Nature Is Unity

We Do Not See That There Is Much Good in the World

624.02Comment: Yulia writes: “I feel disconnected, weak in this world, unable to protect my loved ones, to help them. You say that prayer is the most powerful weapon. I have it in me, and it is precisely about peace, about the good connection between people, about what we lack so much today. But I have a strange feeling: I am starting to fear that the more you ask for it, the worse it gets, the closer we get to the fiery pit where we can all perish. And I am already afraid to ask. What should I do?”

My Response: No, you need to ask. It is necessary to ask, for people to understand how to reach goodness. We lack only one thing in this world: the manifestation of goodness, some example of goodness so that we feel this example and envy that there are such actions in the world that are called goodness. And we do not see them, absolutely do not see them. There is a lot of goodness in the world, all around.

But where, how, who, to whom, what? I do not see since with my egoistic eyes I cannot see it. That is what we need. At least ask for yourself to be kind. Ask for it.

This is the most important quality of the Creator. In this way, we are coming closer to the quality of the Creator, the quality of love.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/28/22

Related Material:
What Prayer Does The Creator Answer?
How To Deserve Answer From The Creator
What Should Prayer Be Like

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/29/22

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut, (Mutual Guarantee)”

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Selected Highlights

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