How To Cure Egoism?

laitman_433.02Question: I remember myself in early childhood in the 80s. We swam in rivers and drank water from them; flowers and berries in the forest smelled so strongly that their aroma was simply intoxicating.

And today I see how everything has changed. Now these rivers are unsuitable even for watering cattle. Consequently, I have a certain feeling that we, our egoism, gobbled up this planet. What can we do to cure egoism? How can we correct it?

Answer: In principle, this is not so difficult. We just need to want this together and support one another so that many thousands of people would gather together and try to act not selfishly, but above their egoism, using it as little as possible.

And we do not need to do anything special, but first of all, just spare nature, stop robbing our Earth. And secondly, to spare people, i.e., treat one another with maximum understanding and friendliness.

If we act in this way with regard to nature and man, we will call upon ourselves the positive forces of nature, upper light, as we call it, and it will correct us. We will become more friendly, open, trusting.

We will be able to see through nature how good and evil forces interact with each other. And we balance them like plus and minus in electrical circuits. After all, it is impossible without the minus.

We need to learn how to do this. My whole life has been dedicated to teaching people how to properly use both forces inherent in nature: positive and negative.

The negative power is our egoism. It manifests itself everywhere and just burns us. But there is a positive force that we are not revealing. It can emerge only as we are awakened to it. If it (awakening) is not there, it (positive force) does not appear, and we remain under the control of only one negative force. As a result of this, we come to a state where everything becomes solely negative: inanimate, vegetative, animate nature, and man.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah: Victoria Bonya,” 3/29/20

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