Memorial Day And Independence Day

laitman_294.3Why does Memorial Day come immediately before Independence Day [in Israel]? Everything stems from the upper roots, and in the spiritual work, it is impossible to come to connection, to the good spiritual force, without rising above the evil force, overcoming troubles, problems, and burdening of the heart. The advantage of the light is attained only over the darkness. If we want to get closer to the truth, we should be ready for the revelation of the darkness, then: “and it was evening,” it was night, and after that: “and it was morning, one day.”

Evening, night, darkness, with all its inherent attributes are an integral part of the day. That is why Memorial Day traditionally comes right before Israel’s Independence Day. Independence Day symbolizes the coming of the light and a great correction. Before that we must discover that we are in darkness, in the midst of evil and war, and we must fight and win this war to come to Independence Day.

“Love covers all transgressions.” Since we, the created beings, attain everything only from contrasts, before Independence Day there has to be Memorial Day. Everything we went through was intentionally sent to us from above and all the suffering has its goal and explanation; therefore, we have to relate to it as something necessary.

Yet, if through our connection we discover this necessity in a positive way, we even do not have to suffer from darkness, troubles, and misfortune. If we are prepared for the darkness, we hasten it and can go through it as a necessary part of our development so that evening and morning will be as one day, that is, the night and the darkness will be included in the day, in the Light.

Kabbalists understand that everything that happens is a part of the process of development, so they justify it as sent by the single upper force that brings us good in every state. If we try, we will discover there is only good and there is no evil. The angel of death will turn into a holy angel. With the correct preparation, we can go through all the difficulties with understanding and agree with them because in the darkness and in the Light we will discover the good attitude of the Creator toward us.

There are no days of mourning and states of sorrow because everything becomes connected at the end of correction: all the darkness, troubles, and misfortunes, together with the Light that opens above them, in general unity and love.

If even before the problems and troubles are revealed we ourselves search for the deficiencies and for shattered desires as necessary tools for the revelation of the Creator in order to bring Him contentment, we rejoice at the wicked being revealed. After all, the concealed wicked definitely exist as a result of the complete shattering; therefore, we rejoice at all the revealed deficiencies and regret that we have not revealed all of them.

If we reveal evil in the light of the day, “darkness shines as light.” It means that there is no darkness and everything depends on my attitude. If I reveal a disagreement between a friend and me in order to eliminate this disagreement by connecting above it and covering it with love, then I rejoice at the revelation of deficiencies no less than at their correction. The entire work depends on the correct preparation in the group.1

Memorial Day is a sad day. However, from the past bitter experience, we must understand that we can prepare ourselves for the revelation of evil so that we will not see the evil! Evil will be revealed only on the internal level as a lack of connection, not as evil in this world, war, and hatred of enemies. As it is written, “looked at him and turned him into a pile of bones.”2

We must understand that our enemies have power and they can cause us a lot of troubles. Indeed, the Creator works through them, pushing us to correction. We will have to find a way to correction, and it is only in our inner connection with the people of Israel through which the Light will flow into the world.

Let us try, let us arrange a “truce” within the state of Israel for even one month: We will not quarrel with each other; we will not hate each other; rather, we will try to get closer to each other. The love of Israel will protect us from enemies. Let us try to allow this love to reign among us, recall what our mothers used to tell us “Be good children, stop fighting, be friends!”

Let’s see what happens after a month of this experiment. Then it will be easier for us to continue because the habit will become the second nature. Let us try and see how the attitude of the world toward Israel will change, how our shares will rise in the stock market, the army will strengthen, our children will become better, the number of accidents on the roads and the number of divorces will decrease—everything will begin to improve. Let us declare a month of unity and then check the statistics: what happens to the people of Israel when they are not in internal conflict.3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/19, Memorial Day & Independence Day
1 Minute 0:20
2 Minute 16:15
3 Minute 1:54:20

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